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'Bloomfield Dainty' rose References
Book  (2002)  Page(s) 26.  
Rated 6.7
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 121.  Includes photo(s).
‘Bloomfield Dainty’ = Arbuste… boutons pointus, orange clair.. églantines à 5 pétales, jaune franc pâlissant au jaune clair et se teintant de rose à la pointe des pétales. Agrémentées d’un parfum musqué, elles éclosent à foison en juin, et plus éparses le restant de l’été… arbuste grand et fort, à port un peu désordonné… beau feuillage vernissé… tiges flexibles… Il semble se plaire davantage en climat chaud. Thomas US 1924.
Website/Catalog  (Oct 1999)  Page(s) 47.  
Bloomfield Dainty (Musk Rambler) Pointed buds, in clusters, open to single flowers of soft clear yellow with pronounced stamens. 1924.
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 363.  
Bloomfield Dainty Hybrid Musk. Capt. Thomas/Bobbink & Atkins 1925. Parentage: 'Danaë' (Hybrid Musk) x 'Mme. Edouard Herriot' (Pernetiana). The author cites information from different sources... single, clear yellow blooms that fade to a pleasing cream...
Book  (Sep 1993)  Page(s) 84.  
Bloomfield Dainty Hybrid Musk. Captain Thomas 1924. Description... canary-yellow, five-petalled flowers... Parentage: 'Danaë' x 'Madame Edouard Herriot'
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 55.  
Bloomfield Dainty Hybrid Musk, clear canary-yellow, single, 1924, 'Danaë' x 'Mme. Edouard Herriot'; Thomas. Description.
Book  (1940)  Page(s) 21, 22.  
Page 21: All the Bloomfield roses were produced by Capt. George C. Thomas, Jr., at his home of that name in Chestnut Hill, Pa., until he removed to Beverly Hills, Calif., where he continued his hybridization until his death in 1932.
Page 22: Bloomfield Dainty Evbl. Semi-Cl. (Thomas, 1924; introduced by Bobbink & Atkins) 'Danae' x 'Mme. Edouard Herriot' Bud long-pointed, deep orange; fl. large (2 in.) single, open, slightly fragrant, deep canary-yellow. Fol. leathery, glossy. Ht 5 ft. in Pa. free, intermittent bloom.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 84.  
Bloomfield Dainty (hybrid lutea) Thomas 1924; Danae X M.E. Herriot; deep canary-yellow, medium size, single, open, lasting, solitary or up to 4, fragrance 4/10, floriferous, continuous bloom, growth 6/10, climbing, 1.25 m.
Book  (1932)  Page(s) 116.  
Capt. George C. Thomas. The Bloomfield Seedlings. 'Bloomfield Dainty' (1925) Hybrid semi-climber. Canary yellow. Single. Blooms three months in Pennsylvania, ten months in California. Recommended for Pacific Southwest and for test in Eastern South. Catalogued by Armstrong.
Website/Catalog  (1931)  Page(s) 39.  
Climbing Roses
Bloomfield Dainty. Little orange-yellow buds and medium sized single flowers of clear canary yellow, borne singly and in clusters against a background of dark green glossy foliage. It is in bloom during nine or ten months of the year, and while the plant is not a rampant climber, it is eminently satisfactory either as a large shrub or as a medium-sized climber for fence or trellis.
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