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'Empereur du Mexique' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 89-423
most recent 26 NOV 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 24 NOV 15 by Patricia Routley
for Cyberose
'Empereur du Mexique' is added. as is the L'Illustration horticole French reference, and the German Johannes Wesselhoft Der Rosenfreund page number.

This German reference is hard to read, much less type, but I have been able to pick up the words 'General Jacqueminot', so presume it refers to the same rose.
I have had a guess at the colour - and a guess that the parentage was the 1853 HP and not the 1846 hybrid china.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 24 NOV 15 by CybeRose
I see what you mean about the German:
Der Rosenfreund 1873 ed. Page(s) 168.
Empereur du Mexique, Blumen sehr groß, voll, leuchtend roth, Centrum hellviolett; Laub roth gerandet, wie auch die Stacheln; Wuchs kräftig. Ist aus Samen von Général Jacqueminot enstanden und eine der schönsten Rosen, welche in den letzten Jahren in den Handel gekommen ist.

Empereur du Mexique, flowers very large, full, bright red, pale purple center; Leaves red margins, as well as the spines; Grew strongly. Is from seeds of Général Jacqueminot originated and one of the most beautiful roses, which has come in recent years in the trade.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 25 NOV 15 by Patricia Routley
Thanks Karl. Reference added.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 26 NOV 15 by Patricia Routley
Karl, do you have any thoughts about the parentage? Because of the red margined leaves, I think it was more likely to have been the 1846 hybrid china
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