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'Comte Plater' rose References
Book  (2007)  Page(s) 148.  
Comtesse Plater (Vibert, 1843). HCh. Syn. Comte Plater. Cream to flesh. Cf. 'La Comtesse Plater' (N)
Book  (1906)  Page(s) 165.  
A few varieties from the Hybrid Provence section are valuable in the general collection, having those lighter tints which are still infrequent..... Comte Plater and 'Comtesse de Ségur' are of a soft buff or cream colour, the latter a well-shaped rose.
Magazine  (1 Nov 1885)  Page(s) 163.  
Souvenir des Roses Anciennes Oubliées ou supprimées par les Horticulteurs et Amateurs de ce beau genre.
Rosa gallica hybrida. Rosiers hybrides de bengale. Choix des Plus Belles Variétés.
Comte Plater (Vibert): grande, pleine, en coupe, blanc crème, centre chair.
Book  (1866)  Page(s) 202.  
Comte Plater, Creamy-blush, splendid.
Book  (1864)  Page(s) 13.  
Comte Plater, cream tinted with buff, finely formed, very free to bloom, hardy, and good for either standard or dwarf...
Magazine  (16 Jul 1861)  Page(s) 295, Vol 1.  
Comte de Plater (all but white. What is it?)...
Book  (1858)  Page(s) 302.  
Rosa moschata. Bisam-Rose.
Comtesse Plater, Blumen mittelgroß, gefüllt, weiß, in Gelb übergehend.

Translation: Rosa moschata. Musk Rose.
Comtesse Plater, the flowers are medium-sized, double, white yellowing with age.
Magazine  (1857)  Page(s) 371, Vol 6.  
"A Plea for Summer Roses."
Show me the pale faces that can be compared with Aspasie, Blanchefleur, Comte Plater, Comtess de Segur, Princess Clementine-- "one of our finest and most perfect white roses"-- and Rose Devigne in the Hybrid Provence class...
Website/Catalog  (1853)  Page(s) 2.  
Hybrid Provence Roses. Comte Plater, P. -- cream, often tinted with fawn colour, a vigorous grower, and fine variety
Magazine  (Jun 1852)  Page(s) 412, Vol 2.  
The Hybrid Provence Rose (Rosa Centifolia Hybrida).
Compte Plater. -- Flowers a delicate cream, center tinged with fawn, large and double, form cupped; habit branching; growth thrifty. A truly beautiful and unique rose.
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