"Bermuda Cottage Rose" References
Newsletter (May 2015) Page(s) 12. Vol 36, No. 3. Includes photo(s). Peter Holmes, President Bermuda Rose Society. "Cottage Rose" (Mystery Rambler) This rose grows in several locations in Bermuda. It flowers on short stems in large clusters on very long canes. Foliage is dark green and finely toothed with two or three prickles on the undersides of the leaves. It is prone to black spot. Buds are fat, slightly pointed and show bright pink before opening to flat round blooms 1.5" (4-5cm) across, sometimes with white streaks.
Book (15 Oct 2001) Page(s) 96. Marijke Peterich. The Preservation of Old Garden Roses in Bermuda. "[Bermuda] Cottage Rose", a mystery rambler, which grows in several locations in Bermuda. It flowers on short stems in large clusters on very long canes. Foliage is dark-green and finely toothed with two or three prickles on the underside of the leaves. It is very prone to blackspot. Buds are fat, slightly pointed and show bright pink before opening to flat round blooms 1 1/2 inches (4-5cm) across. Sometimes with white streaks.