"Pulich Children" rose Reviews & Comments
Gregg Lowery thinks this might possibly be Souvinier du Dr. Jamain.
#1 of 5 posted
30 DEC 15 by
I obtained my 'Souvenir du Dr. Jamain' from Vintage Gardens, and my plant is definitely NOT "Pulich Children". What I have is mostly thornless, throws long, climber-like canes with short laterals, and the blooms have far fewer petals. I do, however, have something else which strongly resembles pictures I see of "Pulich Children", and that's 'Monsieur Boncenne'. Another possibility could be 'Baron de Bonstetten'. According to lineage information on here for both, they're siblings. And Vintage Gardens maintained that they're mixed up in commerce, but claimed to have obtained correct examples of both before they closed. I'd be tempted to try "Pulich Children" just to compare, but as it is, 'Monsieur Boncenne' really struggles against blackspot here. And I'm thinking the same would happen with "Pulich Children".
#2 of 5 posted
5 JUN 16 by
Linda T.
How large does Pulich Children get? I've just ordered it, but need to know how much space to give it.
#3 of 5 posted
30 MAY 18 by
Christopher just realizing you wrote in 2015 -- I heard for the first time, today, that Jill Perry (San Jose Heritage Rose Garden) grows Mons. Boncenne and finds it the same as Pulich Children. I'm wondering where/how US growers got Mons. Boncenne, and our current confidence that it's the real thing.
#4 of 5 posted
31 MAY 18 by
Malcolm, I'd forgotten that I wrote this comment, so thank you for bringing it up again. As I stated above, my 'Monsieur Boncenne' came from Vintage Gardens, in 2013. They also carried 'Baron de Bonstetten', and if I remember the catalog correctly, there was some remark about having finally gotten the "real" BdB, being as most offered were really MB, since they were so similar. I don't know anything else about what tells the two apart, but perhaps Gregg Lowery will remember.
#5 of 5 posted
31 MAY 18 by
Thanks. I don't know how I've missed, until today, that anyone was suggesting an identity for Pulich Children. The photos of Mons. Boncenne certainly do look like it.
Oh and Linda T. -- apparently no one answered you in nearly two years! For us, Pulich Children goes perhaps 4 ft. wide, by perhaps 6 or 7 feet tall, if unpruned. We do prune ours fairly hard in the spring, then less severely whenever it needs it, so an unpruned plant might get quite a lot bigger than ours. We grow it on 'Fortuniana' roots, which tends to make a bigger plant than own-root would, in our climate and soil conditions.
It states "not in commerce" in the description, however two nurseries are listed as selling this rose in the "buy from" tab. -Chris
Thanks Chris. I've deleted those words from Jeri's note.