'KORvodacom' rose Reviews & Comments
Available from - High Country Roses highcountryroses.com
They were selling it locally. Smelled it. Zero scent. Ho hum :[
Funny because scent is so variable on some roses. At the Dothan Area Botanical Gardens, I smelled this rose and it had a moderate, sweet scent. Not intense but definitely there.
#2 of 2 posted
6 NOV 22 by
I only recently noticed a fragrance in Plum Perfect. It is a young plant, only it’s second growing season in my garden, so I don’t know if it’s because it’s maturing, or the weather is cooler, or some other factor. I did sniff the blooms often, and was disappointed until now with fragrance. I would not describe it as a strong fragrance, but mild to moderate. The blooms are lovely, and the plant has been healthy in this area of high black spot pressure
Initial post
2 MAY 19 by
Unregistered Guest
Available from - Heirloom Roses heirloomroses.com
Is this rose still available anywhere here in Europe? From the description page on this site, it appears that at least it was sold in Germany and Switzerland, but on the "buy from " page no European nurseries are listed.
Would you like to email Kordes and enquire? Please let us know. This is possibly an example of a nursery missing out on a sale because they are not listing their roses on HelpMeFind.