'KORfizzlem' rose Reviews & Comments
Available from - High Country Roses highcountryroses.com
Kordes usually follows very repetitive breeding concepts, but I do not know what this rose could be from. The petal formation makes me wonder about Kordes yellow rubiginosa line being dwarfed down. I saw it in person, and the yellow factor does not disappoint. the plant was definitely healthy there, too. It does have that synthetic feel to it, though, much like Flower Carpet Pink can.
In my personal opinion, comparing yellow shrublets, I think Carefree Sunshine is a better rose for personality in the landscape, and this would would be better for mass planting. Yellow Brick Road would be intermediate. Surprisingly, especially for yellows, they all seemed to hold well in heat.
Carefree Sunshine, while an incredible landscape rose, does not maintain near the level of saturation in its yellow blooms as Lemon Fizz. (CS fades comparably quickly to a pale yellow or near white in my hot climate. LF is deep yellow through and through.) Also, CS' blooms and leaves are generally not as large, and in my garden, the flowers seem a little more... for lack of a better adjective... informal. Lemon Fizz is shamelessly healthy and seems to be moderately shade tolerant as well. Lemon Fizz sets hips quite freely (though I cannot yet speak for viability of seeds) and CS does not. CS seems to be more spreading, and LF is more upright. I cannot claim to prefer LF to CS, but they are different. Carefree Sunshine does seem to pump out more flowers for me, and ultimately seems to deliver more impact in my garden.
6 years later.
Pretty sure this is one parent, with the other parent being some yellow shrublet type.
Information is incorrect. Rose has not been released in Germany only in the USA
Do you know if Chamblee Roses was the nursery to introduce it in the US ?
Newflora is the introducer of the Kordes varieties in the USA. Mark had introduced an earlier rose with the same commercial name which he withdrew from the market. Later we introduced KORfizlem under the name Lemon Fizz with Mark's permission. He does grow and sell the cultivar.
By 2017, Kordes Rosen introduced this rose in Germany. (They reconsidered their earlier decision not to introduce in Europe following, I believe, the results of trialing by their representative at the time, NewFlora, here in the USA.)
Available from - Antique Rose Emporium weareroses.com