'Alexandra' clematis References
Website/Catalog (1919) Page(s) 67. Clematis Jackmanni-Hybrids....Alexandra, reddish semi-violet.... 10 pieces M 35.-, 100 pieces M 300.-
Website/Catalog (1907) Page(s) 65. Clematis in pots to plant out in spring and summer. General Collection. 4 Alexandra (Jackmanii), violet-blue.
Book (1907) Page(s) 144. It is a matter of interest that hybrid clematis may be grown in beds, and in this case require to be trained over hoops to form a low convex shield-shaped mass of green leaves and gorgeous flowers. For this purpose the best are Jackmanni, with violet-purple flowers; Rubro-violacea, with maroon-purple flowers; Alexandra, reddish-violet; Magnifica, purple and red; Rubella, deep claret; Star of India, reddish-plum with red stripe; Tunbridgense, reddish-lilac with mauve stripe.
Book (1906) Page(s) 53. Principal garden varieties of Clematis: Jackmanni type. (July to October.) Alexandra... Pale reddish-violet.
Magazine (1906) Page(s) 232. Alexandra (Jackman 1872). Violet-purple, passing to lilac
Book (1904) Page(s) 330. Other hybrids or varieties of C. Jackmani are: Var. Alexandra, Jackman (C. Alexandra, Hort), reddish violet...
Book (1898) Page(s) 65. Variétés Horticoles 1er Groupe.—PATENS Section III. — Jackmani. Alexandra (Jackman). Fleur violet clair à étamines blanches.
Website/Catalog (1880) Page(s) 174. Clematis. — Clématite. 3. Alexandra. — Larges fleurs d'un beau rose violacé; du groupe de Jackmani... 1 50
Magazine (Feb 1879) Page(s) 50. The Clematis. Here is a list of some of the best and most distinct of the [summer]-flowering varieties: Alexandra, Jackmanni, Lady Bovill, lanuginosa, lanuginosa nivea, magnifica, rubella, Thomas Moore, Tunbridgiensis, vilustina purpurea, and viticella rubra grandiflora.
Magazine (1877) Page(s) 266. Clematis Alexandra (Jackman), s. de splendida; rouge-violet.