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"Laujuzan Tea" rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 168-038
most recent 30 JUL HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 JUL by joys of life
This rose is so striking, particularly the red branches, as described, but most of the pictures do not show red branches. Is there a variation depending on time of year or age of growth that can explain this?
Discussion id : 69-524
most recent 19 MAY 20 SHOW ALL
Initial post 20 JAN 13 by John Hook
Branches red,
Prickles occasional, red and slightly hooked
Flowers solitary and often having a metallic appearance.
Possibly Comtesse Riza du Parc
Reply #1 of 3 posted 3 MAY 20 by Patricia Routley
How are you going on this one John? Do you still think Comtesse Riza du Parc’?
I have noticed some possibles on my way through adding references. The last two were said to have metallic reflexes:
1880. Fiancailles de la Princesse Stephanie
1887. Madame Sophie Stern.
1889. Jeanne Guillaumez
Reply #2 of 3 posted 19 MAY 20 by flowerchild75 - Zone 6a Missouri
I believe you’re right about Comtesse Riza du Parc. Please see the following link/website -
Reply #3 of 3 posted 19 MAY 20 by John Hook
I feel pretty confident that this is Comtesse Riza du Parc now. As far as Jeanne Guillaumez, please look at the rose was given to us from Sintra in Portugal.
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