Website/Catalog (Oct 1999) Page(s) 46. Thalia (Rambler) ('White Rambler') Large clusters of smallish, creamy-white flowers on a medium sized plant with semi-glossy foliage. 1895.
Book (Nov 1998) Page(s) 112. Includes photo(s).
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 395. Includes photo(s). Thalia Rambler. Schmidt & Peter Lambert 1895... For many years one of the most popular white Climbers... says parentage is unknown.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 601. Thalia Hybrid Multiflora, white, 1895, ('White Rambler'); R. multiflora x 'Pâquerette'; Schmitt. Description.
Book (2 Jan 1984) Page(s) 10. Includes photo(s).
Website/Catalog (1970) Page(s) 38. THALIA (Schmitt 1895) (White Rambler). Gros bouquets de fleurs blanches semi-doubles très précoces.
Website/Catalog (1967) Page(s) 32. Older Climbers ... Thalia (Schmitt/Lambert 1895). Hybrid Multiflora. Pure white bloom, small, fragrant, climbing, repeats. Height 3-4 meters.
Magazine (1966) Page(s) 86. 'Paquerette' is the pollen-parent of three ramblers which, in turn, produced dwarf Polyanthas. The first two, 'Thalia' and 'Weisser Herumstreicher', were obtained by back-crossing the 'Climbing Polyanthas' with 'Paquerette'. 'Thalia' (Schmidt, intr. Lambert 1895) is one of the loveliest of all ramblers. At l'Hay, it is trained on arches which in June, look like garlands composed of innumerable pure white, semi-double flowers....
Book (1953) Page(s) 67. Thalia - 14 [note: there are other varieties named Thalia]
Website/Catalog (1938) Page(s) 12. Once-blooming climbers. Thalia (Multiflora) (P. Lambert 95). Large trusses, pure white, blooms early, hardy. (Multiflora X Paquerette).