'Treasure Trove' rose References
Book (2000) Page(s) 602. Includes photo(s). ‘Treasure Trove’: Moderne - Grimpant liane – tons abricot. Description… Son nom, «Précieuse Trouvaille», est une idée de Graham Thomas. Zones 7-9. Treasure, Royaume-Uni, 1977. ‘Kiftsgate’ x rosier de Chine (peut-être ‘Old Blush’). [Photo p.603].
Book (Jul 1998) Page(s) 129. Treasure Trove This aptly named, self-sown seedling, was discovered in the garden of Mr. John Treasure of Burford House. Tenbury Wells, Hereford, growing beneath a plant of Rosa filipes'Kiftsgate', and was introduced in 1979. The other parent is believed to have been the Hybrid Musk Rose 'Buff Beauty', and indeed if we had been planning a yellow hybrid it would have been hard to have found a better pollen parent. 'Treasure Trove' has the vigour of 'Kiftsgate', and promises to grow to a similar size (35ft), or at least 30ft, although it may not be quite so hardy. It flowers profusely in summer, bearing sprays of about twenty blooms which are loosely double, cupped, about 2 ins. across, and have a delicious fragrance. Its colour, a warm apricot, is particularly valuable in a rose of such growth. No doubt we shall hear much more of this rose in the years to come.
Book (1997) Page(s) 246. Includes photo(s). Treasure Trove Treasure (UK) 1979. 'Kiftsgate' x Hybrid Tea. Description and cultivation... flowers: creamy-apricot...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 614. Treasure Trove Rambler, apricot, mauve-pink and cream, 1977, 'Kiftsgate' x China (possibly 'Old Blush'); Treasure...
Book (1993) Page(s) 118. Includes photo(s). A giant sprawling Rambler. A seedling found by John Treasure in Britain, launched 1977. ('Kiftsgate' x a Hybrid Tea).
Book (1988) Page(s) 150. location 216/b, R. filipes 'TREASURE TROVE' (Kiftsgate x hybrid china), Treasure 1977, apricot-pink + cream-white, small, strong fragrance, souble, very vigorous, branched, climbing, to 5 m, medium-dark green medium-large glossy foliage, 7 leaflets
Website/Catalog (1986) Page(s) 57. Treasure Trove* (Filipes Climber). A seedling from Kiftsgate with all the vigour of that rose. Large clusters of creamy-apricot flowers. Good foliage. 1979. W. P. N. F. G. T. Shade tolerant S) 30 x 20’.