'Amber Sunblaze ®' rose Reviews & Comments
It appears that there are different names for this, and the entire Meilland Sunblaze series. It appears that Star Roses names the entire series as ‘Sunblaze Xxxxx’, where other vendors are more hit and miss, and is often ‘Xxxxx Sunblaze’.
In any event, HMF seems to not have a standard algorithm, so for example, if you happen to search ‘Sunblaze Amber’, you get no returns. May consider adding hidden descriptions.
Available from - High Country Roses highcountryroses.com
I have two different roses I got recently under the name "amber sunblaze." Neither looks like the pictures on helpmefind. One is solid orange with 1 inch blooms and the other is golden with 2 inch blooms, more like the rest of the sunblaze series. Anyone wanna take a guess what this orange one really is? Max size of blooms is an inch and a quarter, fully open. No yellow on reverses, either. Solid bright orange.
Well, completely defoliated by July by several diseases at once. I haven't seen a rose do that in some years! Quite an accomplishment. Not the accomplishment I desired, however.