'MEIkrotal' rose References
Book (Nov 1999) Page(s) 11. Includes photo(s).
Website/Catalog (4 Jan 1999) Page(s) 47. Includes photo(s). Scarlet Meidiland® (MEIkrotal) Description... Clusters of vivid scarlet, 1- to 1 1/2-inch blooms... Tolerates more shade than many other Roses...
Book (1991) Page(s) 86. Nola Simpson, New Zealand International Rose Trial Ground Awards. Trial No. 20. 1988-1990. 'Scarlet Meidiland' (MElkrotal) Ground Cover/Shrub. This rose is not unlike 'Eye Opener'. but the flowers do not quite have the same appeal, although they are red, too. However, it did have one very pleasing attribute for a rose of this type and that was the lack of thorns, also it flowers very freely particularly in the autumn, extremely healthy
Website/Catalog (1988) Page(s) 34. Includes photo(s). Scarlet Meidiland ® Meikrotal Rose Meilland 1987. Ce rosier au port plus étalé que haut est idéal pour la confection de massifs paysagers dams les parcs, jardins et talus. Il fleurit tout l'été et sa résistance aux maladies demandera un minimum de soins. 2 à 3 plantes au m2 .
Website/Catalog Page(s) 93. Includes photo(s).