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'Cent feuilles écarlate' rose References
Book  (3 Jan 2001)  Page(s) 70-71.  
'À Feuille de Chou' rapidly returns to being Des Peintres if neglected
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 515.  Includes photo(s).
‘Rose des Peintres’/’Centfeuilles des Peintres’/Rosa x centifolia major = …grand rosier à port étalé… fleurs pleines et odorantes, rose pur orné d’un petit bouton vert au centre... Avant 1838.
Book  (1997)  Page(s) 154.  
('Rose des Peintres', R. centifolia 'Major', 'Centfeuille des Peintres') Description and vital statistics. Large flowers opening fully double with a lovely clearly defined button eye in the centre. Clear deep pink...
Book  (1990)  Page(s) 51.  Includes photo(s).
Centifolia Major ('Batavia Rose') Centifolia. 1597... recognised by most as the original form... pink...
Book  (1984)  Page(s) 49.  Includes photo(s).
‘Rose des Peintres’/Rosa x centifolia ‘Major’/’Centfeuilles des Peintres’ = …diffère du type Rosa x centifolia par des corolles d’un rose plus soutenu, et avec un centre moins creux…
Website/Catalog  (1968)  Page(s) 25.  
ROSA CENTIFOLIA MAJOR (Centifolia). Grosse fleur rouge double bien pleine très odorante.

üno longer listed in 1976]
Website/Catalog  (1967)  Page(s) 9.  
Rosa centifolia and hybrids ...Centifolia major (Syn. Rose de Peintres) (?) Pink, fragrant.
Book  (1955)  Page(s) 97.  
Cabbage or Provence Rose, rose of a Hundred Leaves, Rose des Peintres (because the eighteenth-century Dutch masters so often portrayed it), of ancient and devious origin brings to our gardens a lovely spring profusion of soft, pure pink flowers and fragrance of sweet old-rose quality. You will probably order it as 'Rose des Peintres'. It will grow to 5 feet as a bush and bloom best when pegged down so that many short stems will develop. Planted beside a low fence, it can be trained sidewise, and the long canes will then produce many flowering stems from the leaf buds. Keep in mind, however, that it is tremendously and treacherously thorny and has only the one period of bloom.
Book  (1937)  Page(s) 67.  
centifolia var. major. Hort. [ploidy] 21 ([thereof univalents:] 7)
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 549.  
Peintres, Rose des (centifolia) in Holland, 18th century; sport or improvement of a centifolia; vivid pink, center darker, very large, double, globular-cupped, high-centered, prtals reflexed inside, fragrance 7/10, once-blooming, growth 7/10, upright, 1,25m. = Rose of batavia; R. centifolia major hort. Sangerhausen
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