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'Marie Jacquin' peony References
Book  (Jan 2000)  Page(s) 223.  
Waterlily. See 'Marie Jacquin'.
Book  (Jan 1999)  Page(s) 254.  
Bridesmaid see Marie Jacquin
Website/Catalog  (1960)  Page(s) 2.  
White Peonies
Marie Jacquin (Verdier) Loose, double type, large, mid-season variety. Guard petals are broad and white, enclosing an almost perfect white water lily center that is very attractive. There is a large cluster of yellow stamens in the center of bloom. Medium height and a profuse bloomer. Under good cultivation, the bloom is nearly double. Without disbudding, it produces a splendid decorative effect, as the flowers come in large clusters. Must be disbudded for show flowers. Delightful and exciting floral arrangements. $1.50
Book  (1928)  Page(s) 58.  
A List of Fifty of the Best Inexpensive Varieties
White Varieties
Marie Jacquin (Verdier).  8.3.  White.  A flower with the purest white guards; then a collar of yellow stamens which surround a row of shorter pure white petals, which in turn enclose a tuft of yellow stamens, giving the flower a pronounced water-lily effect.  This is one of the most dainty peonies in the entire list.  Its stems are erect and a clean light green as is also the foliage.  The flowers are held perfectly erect.  The flower is semi-double and on young plants it often comes a beautiful single.
Website/Catalog  (1927)  Page(s) 24.  
Marie Jacquin (Verdier) 
American Peony Society Rating of 8.3 (46 votes)
Delicate flesh white.  Semi-double.  One of the best of this type.  Distinct and beautiful.  Each $1.50
Book  (Jan 1917)  Page(s) 86.  
Bridesmaid (Syns. Marie Jacquin and Water Lily). See Marie Jacquin.
Book  (1917)  Page(s) 96.  Includes photo(s).
Marie Jacquin (Syn. Bridesmaid, Kelway, and Water Lily, Barr.) Cup-shaped flowers which retain this shape. The glossy white petals curve in over a centre packed with yellow stamens. On newly set plants the flowers are often single, and on well-established plants the blooms are frequently full double. Note illustration. Verdier. Semi-double. White. Large. Midseason. Medium habit. Strong, erect. Free bloomer. Garden.
Book  (1917)  Page(s) 102.  
Water Lily (Syns. Bridesmaid and Marie Jacquin.) See Marie Jacquin.
Website/Catalog  (1912)  Page(s) 11.  
Kelway's Peonies.
Kelway, of England, has produced some very fine varieties, such as Baroness Schroeder, James Kelway, Lady Alexandra Duff, and various other sorts.
Bridesmaid (Syn. Marie Jacquin). A semi-double variety of exceptional beauty and exquisite form, white tinged delicate flesh, with a mass of golden stamens in the center; the whole flower having the appearance of a huge water lily. Very free bloomer. $1.00.
Website/Catalog  (1910)  Page(s) 11.  
Single Herbaceous Peonies
41—Bridesmaid. White; sometimes producing semi-double flowers, medium height; early; grand...$1.00
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