'White Banksia Climber' rose Reviews & Comments
Can this rose tolerate -15℃? And can it produce hips?
#1 of 2 posted
16 MAY 23 by
Lee H.
I have a 3 year old plant, and have attempted growing it right at the 6a-b borderline. Results: First winter: low temp +5F (-15C), approx. 25% die back 2nd winter: low temp 9F (-13C), little or no die back 3rd winter: low temp -6F (-21C), dead to the ground. Is currently recovering, growing on own roots.
Before this most recent winter, it was attempting to eat the house, and would have made a magnificent display this spring. I have never seen hips on mine, but it obviously can, witness ‘The Monster’. Robert Rippetoe may have more to add.
"The Monster" was created in a greenhouse in upstate NY by Avery Tunningley.
In other words I wouldn't bet on it making hips in a normal Winter where you are, and most blossoms are too double to make hips without human intervention regardless.
The best banksia for use as seed parent in my opinion is lutescens. It commonly sets hips here. I've concentrated on banksia derivatives derived from existing hybrids in order to save time, but it can be done.
It doesn't appear that this page is linked with another page for white lady banks.
This page: http://www.helpmefind.com/rose/pl.php?n=54819&tab=1
Other page: https://www.helpmefind.com/gardening/l.php?l=2.5264.6
Yes. It does appear that 'White Lady Banks' should be merged with Rosa banksiae Aiton. Jedmar, can you see anything against merging the two? I am a little wary when it comes to the species. I note there are things like 'Rosa banksia 'Double White' and Rosa banksiae 'Double White' in the separate files.
Thanks Jonathan. I've merged the 'White Lady Banks' file into the R. Banksiae Aiton file. I was a bit concerned about the 1895, and in particular the 1984 references, but I think it is OK.
Initial post
29 DEC 16 by
Monrovia lists Banksia Alba as hardy to zone 6. Any zone pushers want to weigh in on how cold hardy this is? I'm thinking about trying it on the south side of our home in zone 6b.
Hi everybodyreading ! I plan to get a rosa banksiae banksiae grow in a knotted curlywillowtree (hence salix tortuosa/babylonica) -which should be allright bùt : it faces north/northwest! So what do y' all think , is this feasable either way or other? Thanks for your answers !! Olympia