The Journal of the Horticultural Society of London 2: 316 (1847) 33. Rosa Anemoneflora. Fortune.* Found in the gardens of Shanghai. As far as any opinion can be formed respecting the species of Rose, this would seem to be really a new form, approaching R. moschata in its habit and united styles, but distinct in its narrow acuminated leaflets, usually three, and in its hairless calyx. The flowers are small and clustered as in R. moschata, and, in the plants brought to Europe, have small rounded petals, forming a kind of cup to an infinite number of narrow, ragged, confused bodies, which result from the deformation of the stamens. Their colour is pale blush, and they have little beauty, but the plant may prove useful as a breeder if any perfect stamens or pistils are ever produced by it. " July 1, 1847.
* R. anemoneflora; (systyla) glabra, scandens, ramulis parcè setigeris et glandulosis, foliis 3-natis (raro pinnatis), foliolis ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis argutè serratis subtùs glaucis petiolis aculeolatis, stipulis angustissimis integris margine subglandulosis apice libera subulatis, tubo calycis sepalisque subintegris glaberrimis.—J. L.