'Buyckii' peony References
Magazine (Nov 1911) Page(s) 106-107. BUYCKII. Species — P. albiflora. Originated by Guerin, 1840. Donated by Dessert. Description of bloom — Type of bloom bomb. Form of bloom flat, loose. Differentiated. Not entirely transformed. Color (total effect) pink and white; guards 1 (152) lilac rose, clear; center milk white, clear. Carpels greenish red, smooth; pink stigmas. Strong blooms, show center flecked with crimson. Fragrance pleasant X. Blooming time mid-season. Medium size. Description of plant — Habit of plant erect, medium height, compact. Growth strong and healthy. Stem medium length, strong, reddish green. Blooming habit medium. Buds borne in clusters, healthy. Foliage well furnished, medium green, medium size ; veins green. Commercial value — For cut bloom poor; landscape value medium. Variety as a whole medium. Remarks — "Dr. Bretonneau " (Verdier) has been sold for the above variety, but there should be no confusion.
Website/Catalog (1909) Page(s) 3. Buyckii. Large flower, guard petals bright rose, center salmon-pink with silvery reflex, stiff habit; extra...$ 1 50
Website/Catalog (1908) Page(s) 3. DOUBLE HERBACEOUS PEONIES SERIES C. 50 cents each Buycki, (Guerin 1840) regular shape, bright rose, salmon center.
Book (Apr 1907) Page(s) 44. 390. BUYCKII ; P. (Guerin, 1840) (1) 1840, Dessert's MSS. (2) 1863, Revue Horticole, p. 293. (3) 1885, Revue Horticole, p. 30. (4) Cornell Plots Nos. 209, 210, 211, 212.
Website/Catalog (1907) Page(s) 3. Double Herbaceous Paeonies. Series C. 50 cents each Buycki, bright rose, salmon center.
Magazine (16 Jan 1885) Page(s) 30. Choix de Pivoines herbacées de premier ordre. [par MM. Eugene Verdier et Edouard André] *Buyckii (Buyck). Fleur très-grande, beau rose tendre égal entremèlé de quelques pétales saumonés.
Translation: the very large flower is a beautiful delicate pink with some salmon-colored petals mixed in. The varieties marked * should not be missing from any well-appointed garden.
Website/Catalog (1884) Page(s) 35. Herbaceous Hardy Chinese Paeonias. 1551 Buckii, intense crimson-purple, rose-scented
Magazine (1863) Page(s) 293. Edulis ou albiflora....Buyckii; plante naine, fleur grande, pleine, un peu bombée, d'un beau rose, ayant souvent quelques pétales intérieurs légèrement saumonés au sommet.
Website/Catalog (1861) Page(s) 59. Paeonia Herbacea. 3. Buckii, expanded, beautiful pink.
Magazine (1 Jul 1853) Page(s) 151. LES PLANTES D'ORNEMENT DU MOIS DE JUIN.... Pœonia. Le mois de juin voit fleurir les Pivoines de Chine, donnant de nombreuses et belles variétés ; les plus remarquables sont, les P.bicolor, Buyckii, edulis alba, edulis superba, elegans superbissima, formosa, général Bertrand, grandiflora carnea plena, grandiflora nivea plena, lady Dartmouth, lilacina superba, lutea plenissima, Modeste, plenissima rosea superba, potsii, prolifera tricolor, reine des Français ou umbellata, sulfurea, triomphe du Nord, carnea flore pleno, festiva, maxima, purpurea superba, splendida, Victor Paquet.