'Bay State' peony References
Website/Catalog (1908) Page(s) 6. The following list includes some of my seedlings which have been exhibited several times and have received many First Class Certificates of Merit and Honorable Mentions, and which I am asked to add to my list. This being the second time they have been catalogued. I have only a small stock of many of these novelties, and from three to eight plants of the older varieties, but they are all new and worthy. When you consider the time and rare necessary to produce them they are not high. The market is supplied with too many cheap plants and the public are getting their fill of bargain varieties, for the way to get exhibition varieties is not through the bargain counter, for the rarity of the later varieties will command the top price. LIST OF NEWER VARIETIES.
Bay State 1907 large; flushed salmon pink, very line and choice ...$5.00
Website/Catalog (1907) Page(s) 5. The following list includes many of my seedlings which have been exhibited several times and have received many Certificates of Merit and Honorable Mentions, and which I am asked to include in my list. THIS BEING THE FIRST TIME THEY HAVE BEEN CATALOGED- Bay State, large, flushed salmon pink. ...$5.00