'Arcadia' peony References
Article (magazine) (Jan 1955) Page(s) 24. Varieties Raised in America. All by Professor Saunders... The "Roman Gold Group." Yellow, clear or almost clear , generally single. 'Arcadia,' (1942)
Article (magazine) (Jan 1955) Page(s) 56. Alphabetical Check List of Tree Peony Names In Public Collections And/or Available in Nurseries 1954-1955 Lutea Hybrid, Yellow, 'Arcadia', (Saund. 1942), [Gardens] Scott Foundation
Book (1944) Page(s) 104. For next year 1945 Make a master list of tree peonies to be grafted & check them off as done. For 1944 ...Arcadia 321 4+9+2 [grafts]
Book Page(s) 1. Arcadia 321 1939 5 grafts...1940 13 grafts ...Semidouble ...paler yellow, fine + enough different. Holds its flowers..
Book Page(s) 43. Arcadia # 321 1944 Home Grounds Row 1 1 small....