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'C. florida 'Sieboldiana'' clematis Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 35-335
most recent 30 APR 09 SHOW ALL
Initial post 6 APR 09 by Jeff Britt
I have both C. florida var. Sieboldiana and C. florida plena, and have always treated them as type 3 plants. I have to say that they flower like MAD. The spring flowering is absolutely amazing and the second bloom is just as stunning. Tons of flowers that last for ages. The second flowering is still going on when I prune the plants back to about 18 inches in January. Of course, I garden in San Francisco and we don't even get any frost to speak of here. The plants are growing in large containers with golden hops (yes I'm crazy!) since my experience growing C. florida in the ground wasn't happy. Anyway, I guess I should be pruning less, but I can't complain about the results. I haven't seen any C. florida plants that outshine mine. In fact, mine put all others to shame. Sometimes ignorance is bliss!
Reply #1 of 2 posted 6 APR 09 by jedmar
We are in zone 7b, but C. florida is unsure to survive winters here. It probably needs at least zone 8. The blooms are really gorgeous, though, and worth trying.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 30 APR 09 by tash
I am in zone 7 and mine survived last winter just fine (winter '08/'09). It is on the north side of a short wall that hides my trashcan. I didn't provide any extra protection for it.
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