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'C. montana var. rubens' clematis References
Book  (Oct 2001)  Page(s) 284-285.  Includes photo(s).
Book  (1999)  Page(s) 130.  
Clematis montana var. rubens, Himalayas, 1985
Book  (1995)  Page(s) 62-63.  
In Vita's day the Rose Garden contained few clematis varieties save for C. 'Jackmanii' trained on posts in one of the beds and a large C. montana var. rubens on the Long Border wall, joined by C. montana var. Wilsonii...
Book  (31 Oct 1993)  Page(s) 106.  Includes photo(s).
Website/Catalog  (1966)  Page(s) 48.  Includes photo(s).
CLÉMATITES ...A floraison printanière montana « Rubens ». Fleurs rose satiné 10,00
Magazine  (1945)  Page(s) 34.  
Clematis montana, Mountain Clematis, is an easily grown species that is vigorous and satisfactory and may reach 25 ft. in height. Its white flowers, an inch or two across, are usually in small clusters on wood of the previous season.
var. rubens. With larger, pink flowers.
Magazine  (Oct 1937)  Page(s) 143.  
Certaines espèces se reproduisent fidèlement par le semis, mais souvent nous avons constaté des variations au moment de la floraison, dans le C. montana et surtout sa variété rubens, de même pour le C. Vedrariensis, bel hybride obtenu par Vilmorin, à fleurs plus larges, de coloris plus ou moins foncé ; par une sélection persévérante, on peut en fixer des types fort intéressants.
Website/Catalog  (1932)  Page(s) 24.  
Clématites à petites fleurs....Clématite montana rubens. Branches et pédoncules pourpres; fleurs d'une agröable couleur rose.
Website/Catalog  (1924)  Page(s) 107.  
Clématite montana rubens. Branches et pédoncules pourpres; fleurs d'une agréable couleur rose.
Magazine  (Sep 1920)  Page(s) 202.  
Planting the Home Grounds
The Use of Vines  By N. H. Ellsworth
In addition to these older sorts of clematis there are at least two recent introductions of great importance.  One of these is remarkable for the length of its blossoming season which begins in June and continues until early autumn.  It is called Montana Rubens, and it has beautiful rosy red blossoms.  A distinct novelty brought from the Orient by E. H. Wilson has bright yellow flowers that appear in June and July against a dense background of green foliage.  This variety is called Tangutica and it is offered by a few of the more important nurseries.
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