Book (2002) Page(s) 23. 1994. Rated 8.6
Book (2000) Page(s) 102. ‘Baby Grand’/POUlit = Miniature. D’un rose franc et formées de 25 à 40 pétales…, corolles à quartiers, véritables réductions de roses anciennes… En climat chaud, leur ton rose s’intensifie fortement. Ce petit rosier compact et tout rond porte un feuillage vert mat, très résistant aux maladies… Poulsen, Danemark, 1994.
Book (1998) Page(s) 15. Baby Grand™ Miniature, clear pink, 1994, (POUlit); 'Egeskov' x Seedling; Poulsen Roser APS. Description.
Book (1994) Page(s) 140. Nola Simpson, Manawatu, New Zealand. In The Trial Ground 1992-93. POUlit - Olesen, Denmark, a miniature rose as yet unnamed, it has a compact low round growth habit and the flowers are salmon pink opening with quartered centres borne freely all over the bush making a pleasing spectacle. Very healthy and an ideal type for low borders and containers, the blooms are on the large size.