'P. suffruticosa' peony Photos
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Peony photo courtesy of jedmar
From "Revue horticole", February 1, 1860, p. 64: Fig. 12 Cutting of tree peony ready to be planted in the groind; Fig. 13: Cutting of tree peony after rooting and removal of foliage
Courtesy of Biodiversity Heritage Library
Uploaded 29 NOV |
illustration from Bois, Atlas des plantes de jardins, 1896, scan courtesy of Gallica, Bibliothèque nationale de France
Uploaded 13 JAN 18 |
photo from the 1938 catalog, Bobbink & Atkins, Rutherford, New Jersey; scan courtesy of Biodiversity Heritage Library
Uploaded 3 MAY 21 |
Frontispiece illustration from Favourite Flowers of Garden and Greenhouse, vol.1, 1896; scan courtesy of Biodiversity Heritage Library
Uploaded 12 NOV 17 |
Plate 50 from Flora: afbeeldingen en beschrijvingen van boomen, 1868; scan courtesy of Biodiversity Heritage Library
Uploaded 28 MAR 18 |
Peony photo courtesy of jedmar
From "Flora Conspicua" by William Clark (Illustrator) and Richard Morris, 1826, pl. 13
Courtesy of the Biodiversity Heritage Library.
Uploaded 20 DEC 16 |
Plate 3 from Nouveau Duhamel, 1819; "Explcation de la planche 3:
Fig. 1 Sommité d'un rameau de Pivoine Moutan portant une fleur.
Fig. 2. Une partie de la tige.
Fig. 3. Un fruit composé de six capsule.
Scan courtesy of Bibliothèque nationale de France
Uploaded 27 JAN 18 |
Peony photo courtesy of jedmar
From "Flora Conspicua" by William Clark (Illustrator) and Richard Morris, 1826, pl. 13
Courtesy of the Biodiversity Heritage Library.
Uploaded 20 DEC 16 |
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