'Titania' rose Reviews & Comments
This appears to be a typo for Perla de Alcañada
#1 of 2 posted
6 SEP 08 by
I remember someone writing that Alcanada on Mallorca doesn't have an accent (is the term tilde?) on the n, so I checked Google Earth. It doesn't show one.
I bought this rose as Baby Crimson - but it is definately a red - not a pink as described. It is grown in a spot that gets only morning sun - would that influence the color? Or is this perhaps a different rose?
#1 of 2 posted
5 OCT 05 by
Wendy C
The pictures under the listing certainly look red to me. Color designation of roses can be a tricky thing. Some which look deep pink to me are listed as Med Red, and vice versa. Color is sometimes in the eye of the beholder.
The rose your photos show is for sure Zwergkönig (that means dwarf King) from Kordes. There exists a second rose named Zwergkönigin (that means dwarf Queen), which is pink. Because of the small diffrence in the German names there is often some confusion with these two.
#3 of 2 posted
7 FEB 06
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