'Ralph Moore's South African OGR' rose Reviews & Comments
We received a rose named "Ralph Moores South African Bourbon" from the Collection of Victor Lewis. This rose is also in commerce under this name. But this one is in fact "Griseldis".
Does the rose you received repeat-flower?
This is complicated. I know nothing about Griseldis, except what is written on helpmefind and the references. It reads as if the rose currently sold as Griseldis is probably incorrect, but both it and the true Griseldis are or were repeat-flowering. The photos of "Ralph Moore's OGR" look like two different roses, one semi-double and one very double. Which one did you receive? The very double one is similar to a widely-spread found rose in Australia, which flowers only in spring, and may have been an understock. It is written up on helpmefind as "Brooks Rose". We are eager to find its original name, but I don't think it can be Griseldis, on the basis of early references for that rose.
Okay. Griseldis does not exist any more. The rose that is in commerce as "Griseldis" is the same we got as "Ralph Moores South African Bourbon". It is the semi-double one in the picture here on hmf. I also got another found rose from Germany that is the same.
But could you please have a look at the found rose called "Wendershausen" on hmf, too?
May this be the same as your Ralph Moores...OGR? This rose is also found in another region in Germany.
I think "Wendershausen" is too magenta to be our "Brooks Rose". I thought at first it might be the same as another of our widespread survivor roses, whose study names include "Hugh Childs", but the leaves of "Wendershausen" look much smoother.
This is a rose Mr. Moore encountered while traveling in South Africa many years ago. He felt it might work well as a root stock so he sent material home to be propagated. Unfortunately, it doesn't accept scions well, but it is a beautiful once flowering rose. It nearly wasn't released for sale here until we convinced him there was a market for it.
Kim, you mention that it has been "released for sale here", but there doesn't seem to be any source in the "Buy From" section. Any idea where it can be found?
Kim, I am sure I grow this rose in Western Australia. See the "Brooks Rose" photos which I have put under 'Charles Lawson'. I am sure this was a rootstock too because it appears all over Australia. (If it wasn't a rootstock, then people grew it for its perfume) I have never been able to get close to what it may really be, but for the moment, 'Charles Lawson' appears to be the best guess. There is a similar rose in Gwen Fagan's <i>Roses at the Cape of Good Hope</i> p67 book, but she talks of "round fruit" (Para 3) so that is a different rose to the "Brooks Rose" which does not set hips.
Does "Ralph Moore's OGR" set hips?
Very fragrant blossoms, mostly smooth canes, subject to Powdery Mildew in California's low desert.