'Alba rosea' rose References
Book (2001) Page(s) 203. "The many supposed synonyms formerly reported ('Alba Rosea', 'Adèle Pradel, etc. etc.) appear not to be synonyms at all, but rather now extinct rose varieties in their own right."
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 51. Mme Bravy ('Alba Rosea', 'Adèle Pradel', 'Danzille', 'Isidore Malton', 'Mme Denis', 'Mme de Sertot', 'Mme Maurin') Tea. Guillot père, 1845. [Author cites information from different sources. Interesting entries about the origin of the rose and it was named for the wife of G. Bravy, of the Société d'Horticulture de l'Hérault.]
Book (1936) Page(s) 9. Alba rosea (tea) Lartay 1862; white, center pink, large, double, growth 7/10 = M. Bravy (?)
Book (1936) Page(s) 449. Malton, Isidore (tea) ? ? ; white and pink. = Mme. Bravy.
Website/Catalog (1914) Page(s) 7. General List of Roses Arranged in Alphabetical Order for easy Reference. Varieties marked * are the Best Exhibition Varieties *Alba Rosea... Tea... creamy white, with rose centre, of most exquisite form, a charming variety.
Website/Catalog (1909) Page(s) 70. Alba Rosea T (syn Mme. Bravy) white, rose centre, large, full, and fragrant and effective
Booklet (1904) Page(s) 13. Alba Rosea Tea. (Guillot 1848). White centre, rose, large and full, and sweetly scented. Vig. Gdn. dec.
Book (1902) Page(s) 67. Thé. 1260. Alba Rosea (Lartay 1862), blanc et rose
Booklet (1899) Page(s) 12. Alba Rosea (T) Guillot, 1848 S. G. white centre rose, large, full, and very sweet.
Website/Catalog (1899) Page(s) 3, 6. The Best Twenty-five Tea-scented Roses To commence a Collection. White & Flesh. ...Alba Rosea...
Hybrid Perpetuals, Tea-scented, Noisette and Bourbon Roses (in Alphabetical Order). In this section are included all the best exhibition varieties, those marked thus* being especially recommended. *Alba Rosea... Tea... creamy white, with rose centre, of most exquisite form, a charming variety.