Book (1936) Page(s) 87. Boccage (tea) ? ? ; yellowish white, large, double
Book (1899) Page(s) 27. Boccage, thé, blanc jaunatre
Book (1884) Page(s) 7. Bocage. Yellowish white, large, double.
Book (1880) Page(s) Annex, p. 21. tea Bocage, yellowish white, large, double
Book (1854) Page(s) 273-274. Translation: Perhaps one or the other lover of ever-blooming roses will thank me if I share the list of those I can recommend from personal acquaintance, regardless of age or novelty. Such are,...2) Tea roses: ...Bocage...
Book (1848) Page(s) 134. The Tea-Scented Rose. 16. Bocage; flowers yellowish white, large and double.
Book (1847) Page(s) 564. Variétés jardinières de la rose thé. Bocage. Fleurs grandes, doubles, blanc jaunâtre.
Book (1847) Page(s) 255. Bocage, T., is a very beautiful new tea-scented variety. Its flowers are large and double, and of a delicate white, tinged with yellow.
Website/Catalog (1845) Page(s) 18. Class V. Tea-scented Roses, (Rosa indica var. odorata.) 735. Bocage... cupped form... pale yellow, large and fine... $1.50
Website/Catalog (1845) Page(s) 14. Thés. 275 Bocage, grande, double, blanche jaunâtre...1 fr. 25 c.