'Amazing Grace '07' rose References
Book (2017) Includes photo(s). p91. Veronica O’Brien, My Top Australian Bred Roses. Amazing Grace A white full hybrid tea with a high fragrance bred in 2007 by Dr Bruce Chapman It is a new addition to the Australian Leaf and can often be found on the show bench.
p102. Andrew Ross, SA. My Top Australian Bred Roses. Amazing Grace When breeding new roses we all want total perfection and in this variety we have found it. This rose has perfectly formed white hybrid tea blooms, which keeps well both on the bush and when picked, is very fragrant, extremely healthy rich green foliage and has very few thorns. Makes an attractive compact bush and will one day I feel be the best selling standard varieties Australia wide. Bred by the late Bruce Chapman and will stand as his most successful rose.
Website/Catalog (21 Mar 2015) Registered Name: 'Amazing Grace '07' ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Amazing Grace '07 HT, w, 2007, Chapman, Bruce; flowers 9 cm., full, borne mostly solitary, intense fragrance; foliage large, dark green, glossy; prickles medium, hooked, brown, few; growth upright, tall (1½ m.); garden decoration [White Spray × Aotearoa]. Introductions: Ross Roses, 2007, Australia
Book (2015) Page(s) 67. Includes photo(s). Rod Hultgren. Toowoomba Trial Ground Results. Award - Highly Commended, Name - Amazing Grace '07. Category - Hybrid Tea, Colour - White, Breeder - Bruce Chapman, Exhibitor - Ross Roses
Newsletter (2014) Page(s) 9. Includes photo(s). Trial Garden Awards 2014. Newtown Park Toowoomba, Qld. Award: Highly Commended. Name: Amazing Grace ‘07 Category: Hybrid Tea. Colour: white. Breeder: Bruce Chapman. Exhibitor: Ross Roses
Book (2008) p33. Laurie Newman. Rose Registrations for 2007. ‘Amazing Grace ‘07’. HT. White. Bruce Chapman. ‘White Spray x ’Aotearoa’. Registered: 2007.
p39-6 The Rose Society of Victoria Inc. has much pleasure in nominating Dr. Bruce Chapman for the 2007 T. A. Stewart Memorial Award.... His varieties include ....and ‘Amazing Grace 07’. p81-5 Andrew Ross. My Most Bullet-Proof Roses Symposium. Amazing Grace. Excellent flower, superb health and good repeating, hardy.
Magazine (Apr 2007) Page(s) 42. Registration 'Tbltus', HT, w, 2007, (Amazing Grace '07) Chapman, Bruce & Ross, Maureen, [White Spray X Aotearoa]... description
Book (2007) Frontispiece picture p37. The National Rose Society of Australia International Trial Ground Awards, Trial 9. Awards for rose on trial, July 2004 to May 2006. Bed No. 30. Chapman, Vic. Code Name: Tus. Hybrid tea. Certificate of Merit.
p157 Ross Roses advertisement. ‘Amazing Grace 07 ™ (Chapman). Pure white HT, very fragrant.
Website/Catalog (2006) Includes photo(s). Award: Certificate of Merit Name: TUS Type: hybrid tea rose Habit: a compact ivory-cream flower that ages white Breeder: Dr Bruce Chapman, Melbourne, Vic. Exhibitor: Ross Roses, SA