'Bobolink' rose Reviews & Comments
"BOBOLINK rose. This is only a single, somewhat pale yellow rose, but with a surprising everblooming habit in spite of its descent (in the F3 or F4) from the Persian Yellow crosses with the ALTAI rose, and no other infusion of genes. Persian Yellow must have a recessive gene for everblooming that has come out at last because of the inbreeding I have allowed to occur in this strain of hybrids. I have great hopes for the BOBOLINK rose as a future parent, for it should allow me to originate new everblooming roses with out bringing in any genes from the tender- semi-tropical roses such as the Teas or Hybrid Teas. I am immensely impressed with the potential in my extraordinary BOBOLINK rose."
Plant Originations Made by Percy H. Wright (February, 1983) - Percy Wright
"Among the seedling roses that bloomed for me on my rural nursery was an F3 or F4 descendant of crosses I made between my Hazeldean rose and Rosa altaica (which is a back-cross) and it has excited my imagination to no end. It is everblooming even through there are no genes in it of any HT or any other of the tender roses that originate in semi-tropical southern Asia. Apparently there are recessive genes for everblooming in spinosissima altaica, for a variety named Stanwell Perpetual was named and introduced away back in the previous century. There must be a recessive gene for everblooming in Persian Yellow too, for the cross that resulted in the rose Soleil d'Ore, the first of the Pernetiana roses, was ever-blooming, and since June blooming is dominant, this could not have happened unless Persian Yellow has a recessive gene for everblooming.
In any event, I was so struck with the potential in this everblooming spinossissima altaica that I gave it a name, BOBOLINK, and noted that it is fertile enough to make heps with seeds in them. It is a single rose in a pale yellow that could be called cream. Next June I will put pollen of Persian Yellow on it, and that should allow me a chance to breed a variety of rose practically identical to Persian Yellow, but everblooming, and perhaps, if I am fortunate, also free of blackspot. Such a rose would be a real achievement. I wish I could have known last June that the Bobolink rose was everblooming, for if I had I could have made the cross with Persian Yellow then."
Percy Wright Autobiography - Chapter 151, page D
"However, I doubt if I'll make any rose pollinations this year, since I am now old enough that I may not see the result in bloom. However, I will sow open-pollinated seed of my double yellow roses, as well as seeds of my BOBOLINK rose, that pure spinosissima altaica that blooms all summer long. It still seems to me something of a miracle that everblooming could exist in any rose that has no genes at all of any of the tropical species. I say this in spite of the fall bloom on our native Rosa suffulta if it is mowed to the ground in June. Bobolink rose is a very pale yellow that fades rapidly to white. If I could get a double yellow from it that is equally ever-blooming, I'd be happy indeed."
Personal Correspondence - Percy Wright to Walter Schowalter - July 1, 1983
Initial post
29 APR 08 by
Unregistered Guest
Percy Wright claimed 'Bobolink' was an F3 or F4 selection of a Rosa spinosissima altaica x 'Hazeldean' hybrid. I think it's more likely it was just a selection of the Altai rose backcrossed with 'Hazeldean'. Mr. Wright was quite enthusiastic about this cultivar, since the flowers were (light) yellow having some repeat bloom and he thought it had potential to develop cold hardy (Zone 3), everblooming yellow roses. Unfortunately, this cultivar became extinct not too many years after it was developed.