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'Madame Philémon Cochet' rose References
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 163.  
Cochet, Mme. Philémon (tea) Sc. Cochet 1887; Sylphide X ? ; light pink, shaded pale salmon, light violet reflexes, reverse often stained white, medium to large, double, chalice-form, fine form, broad outer petals, center petals ruffled, fragrance 6/10, floriferous, purple foliage and branches, growth 7/10. Sangerhausen
Website/Catalog  (1907)  Page(s) 34.  
Madame Philémon Cochet (Cochet 1888) very light pink, strong fragrance
Website/Catalog  (1904)  Page(s) 95.  
Madame Philemon Cochet  T.  Light rose, reflexed with salmon and slightly tinted with violet, of medium size, cupped.
Book  (1902)  Page(s) 77.  
Thé. 1745. Madame Ph. Cochet (Sc. Cochet 1887), rose clair
Website/Catalog  (1900)  Page(s) 39.  
Philemon Cochet [sic]. (Tea)
A very good rose; a good grower with unusually pretty and heavy foliage; a profuse bloomer; flowers coming on good stiff stems and very prettily formed; color, salmon-blush; good the entire year.  20 cents each; $2.00 per dozen.
Book  (1899)  Page(s) 114.  
Madame Ph. Cochet, thé, Sc. Cochet, 1887, rose clair
Website/Catalog  (1898)  
Mme. Philemon Cochet. Has extremely beautiful, heavy foliage, being a fine, rapid grower, and a profuse bloomer, the flower always coming on a long stem; the bloom is large, beautifully formed; color a salmon-blush; splendid bloomer, especially fine in winter.
Website/Catalog  (1897)  Page(s) 62.  
Tea-scented Roses and Their Hybrids.
Madame Philemon Cochet  bright rose, reflexed with salmon and slightly tinted with violet, of medium size, full cupped. 
Book  (1895)  Page(s) 106.  
Philémon Cochet, light pink
(3 Dec 1892)  Page(s) 13.  
Messrs Brunning and Sons have flowered several new new roses during the present season.... Madame Philemon Cochet Is bright rose, reflexed with salmon and slightly tinted with violet.
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