"Martha Gonzales, Cl." rose References
Website/Catalog (1 Jun 2015) Name: Synonyms: Martha Gonzales, Climbing (found) Cl Ch, mr; flowers bright red with white eye, single to semi-dbl., very slight fragrance; good repeat; growth to 6-10 ft.
Booklet (2009) Page(s) 37. Another group of suspected synonyms and sports that the result of this study support is a red, semi-double flowered group based on the China Rose cultivar Fabvier (syn. 'Colonel Fabvier'). 'Fabvier' [ex Vintage Gardens], 'Martha Gonzales', and 'Old Gay Hill Red China' [both ex Antique Rose Emporium] (C40, C10, and C16) all had identical SSR profiles. Based on catalogue descriptions of the plants in commerce...the results suggest that the found rose 'Martha Gonzales' is actually 'Fabvier', and that 'Old Gay Hill Red China', also a found rose, is a taller growth form sport of 'Fabvier'.