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'KORklemol' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 60-889
most recent 9 NOV 16 SHOW ALL
Initial post 14 JAN 12 by Jay-Jay
Vigorous?...That's an understatement!!!
It makes a lot of canes in one season of ± 5m (and last season wasn't optimal as for the weather; a long period of drought and heat, followed by weeks of rain and low temps).
It's a very healthy monster at my place. A monster, not in the least as for its big thorns (prickles) that cover the branches.
Tieing it to the fence resulted in completely scratched hands, but oh it will give a gorgeous display next season.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 5 NOV 16 by StrawChicago heavy clay zone 5
Thank you for the info. about the size of the bush and the thorns.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 5 NOV 16 by Jay-Jay
You're welcome.
Do not prune it before the frosts are over.
Once I pruned it before winter (which was very late that year) and it got canker. And only that year!!!
See my photo's of that mishap at this rose and at the glossary:
Reply #3 of 3 posted 9 NOV 16 by StrawChicago heavy clay zone 5
Jay-jay: Thank you so much for that vital info. God bless you !! You save folks from making mistakes. Your picture of canker on Moonlight helps me a lot. You are right about canker if pruned in winter .. that happened when I pruned Radio Times in a cold & wet fall. I prefer pruning when the sun is warm and dry, like in spring time.
Discussion id : 84-834
most recent 11 MAY 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 11 MAY 15 by Michael Garhart
It looks deceptively similar to Jacob's Robe in park settings, but its a little more glossy and shades lighter in color.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 11 MAY 15 by Jay-Jay
I have to apologize Michael! I tried to delete my post, for I mixed the rose, You wrote about, up with Joseph's Coat! My fault!!!
It really looks similar to Jacob's Robe.
Reply #3 of 2 posted 11 MAY 15 by Michael Garhart
Aw. No need to anything! I just like to be informative, to help people.
Discussion id : 83-699
most recent 14 MAR 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 MAR 15 by Jay-Jay
In the description is stated: "cluster-flowered, in small clusters".... I would say cluster-flowered in small to (very) large clusters. And it sets lots and lots of big round orange-red hips.
Discussion id : 74-122
most recent 18 SEP 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 SEP 13 by Renato Emma
Rosa rampicante Grandiflora, a portamento vigoroso/compatto, eretto, ben ramificato. Fogliame denso, lucido, verde scuro. Fiori singoli o in mazzi, giallo-rame, cangianti a giallo chiaro, con l'età, e con qualche tocco di rosa. Forte e intensa fragranza fruttata e speziata. Resistente a freddo/malattie. Rifiorente. H.3mt L.2mt. Adatta x fiore da taglio.
(ROSACEAE) (Tim Hermann Kordes, W.K.& Sons., Germania, 1995)
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