'Winnie Davis, Cl.' rose References
Book (Dec 2000) Page(s) 63. Climbing Winnie Davis: classified as a Tea.
Book (1936) Page(s) 195. Davis, Climb. Winnie (cl. HT) California R. Co. 1913; sport of above [Winnie Davis of Little]; climbing habit
Website/Catalog (1928) Page(s) 28. Climbers. Climbing Winnie Davis. Hybrid Tea. (California Rose Co., 1913.) Same as the bush. Strong grower with heavy foliage.
Book (1924) Page(s) 164. Cl. HT introduced 1913 by California Rose Co. Blooms large, fairly full. Strong grower. Good foliage.
Website/Catalog (1917) Page(s) 8. Climbing Winnie Davis, Hybrid Tea. (California Rose Co., 1913) A true CLIMBING sport from the bush sort, Winnie Davis: of extremely strong climbing habit and very prolific of bloom; well branched and foliaged from the ground. Bloom of fine size, with buds and half-blown flower shaped and moulded in absolute perfection; of nice substance and moderately full. Color, salmon-pink, shading to shell-pink and perle. This is undoubtedly one of the greatest acquisitions to the climbing rose family yet produced. 50 cts.