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'Ambiente' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 58-870
most recent 10 JUN 17 SHOW ALL
Initial post 24 NOV 11 by Jay-Jay
This beautifull and abundant flowering (almost) perfectly formed rose lasts long on the vase > 2 weeks! On the bush sometimes even longer.
In the summer almost white with yellow tones, in fall creamy yellowish with a hint of salmonpink on the edges of the petals.
I do not like the fragrance almost synthetic-apple air "refreshener".
Reply #1 of 11 posted 25 JAN 14 by Michael Garhart
Tineke smelled like that to me, except more lemon air freshener and very sterile, chemical smelling.

There is just somethign about some white roses that do this. Alba Meidiland, for example, smells like mildew smells to me, except that it never has mildew itself ... ? lol
Reply #2 of 11 posted 25 JAN 14 by Jay-Jay
The smell of mildew, is not a compliment for a rose...
But yes, I also detest the fragrance of some roses.
On the contrary others are enchanting, or even interesting without being nice at all.
I'll refine the description of the fragrance of Ambiente: It also has a bit of a ripe melon.
(and for me that's not attractractive, for I don't like melons at all)
Reply #3 of 11 posted 26 JAN 14 by Michael Garhart
Ah! Well, most people don't go around smelling landscape roses, LOL :]

To me, personally, the one I dislike the most, despite people loving the smell, is Fragrant Cloud. It is so overwhelming to me, to the point that it almost smells like it is decomposing while blooming.
Reply #4 of 11 posted 26 JAN 14 by Jay-Jay
Like a lot of Austins after a while (and on a vase).
In the beginning nice and later the smell of decay or sewerage.
Reply #5 of 11 posted 27 JAN 14 by Michael Garhart
hah, ya. I only bred one that potent, but it didnt rot. However, when I brought it in for everyone to enjoy, the oils in it gave everyone itchy eyes, lol.

I guess this is a lesson about that smell strength isn't everything, that people like different things.
Reply #6 of 11 posted 27 JAN 14 by Nastarana
Ought not this rose to be classified as a floribunda? All the pictures show it flowering in clusters. It is lovely; I wish we could get it in North America.
Reply #7 of 11 posted 7 JUN 17 by mamabotanica
Wish it was available in North America too.
Reply #8 of 11 posted 8 JUN 17 by Jay-Jay
You're doing Your "homework"... well done!
Reply #9 of 11 posted 8 JUN 17 by mamabotanica
I wake up in the middle of the night thinking of what roses I need and where I can fit in another. I'm not sure it's healthy but I can't help it :)
Reply #10 of 11 posted 9 JUN 17 by StrawChicago heavy clay zone 5
Joan: Chandos Beauty is another beige rose that lasts long in the vase with a fantastic fragrance. It was listed in forum thread of what's the best fragrant rose for cutting, along with Buxom Beauty and Melody Perfume. Barbra Streisand also has the most beautiful scent and lasts very long in the vase .. that spicy scent is more addictive than Old Garden Rose Comte de Chambord (like perfume).
Reply #11 of 11 posted 10 JUN 17 by Lavenderlace
I wish that I could find Chando's Beauty! Reports of the scent sounds intriguing.
Discussion id : 66-697
most recent 27 JAN 14 SHOW ALL
Initial post 31 AUG 12 by Belle Epoque
Available from - Belle Epoque Rozenkwkerij / J.D.Maarse en Sons. B.V.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 27 JAN 14 by Michael Garhart
Maybe? A lot of modern HTs are becoming more compact and multi-branched, because they look better in yards, and they take up less space, resource.
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