'R. paniculigera' rose References
Book (2019) Page(s) 70-73. Includes photo(s). Rosa paniculigera (Makino ex Koidz.) Momiy., Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 20:26 (1962, description
Article (newsletter) (Jul 2012) Page(s) 45. R. paniculigera (Fig.1. k. faint scent reminding us of the smell of conifers) .... ....the fragrances which the nine roses below give off were not so intense. They lacked highly fragrant components, and the amounts of the volatiles these roses emit were low: R. acicularis, R. nipponensis, R. fujisanensis, R. onoei var. hakonensis, R. onoei var. oligantha, R. paniculigera, R. luciae, R. luciae f. glandulifera and R. hirtula.
Website/Catalog (2006) Miyako-Ibara (Capital (Kyoto) Briar) R. paniculigera (Makino ex Koidz.) Momiy. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 20:26 (1962) Distribution: SW-Honshu (western parts of Shizuoka Prefecture, Niigata Prefecture, and further west), N-Shikoku, N-Kyushu
R. paniculigera also closely resembles R. multiflora, bearing a lot of white flowers (ca. 1.8 cm across, a bit smaller than those of R. multiflora) in large panicles. However its stems, petioles, and canes are thickly covered with glandular hairs, and its styles also have hairs. Its flowering period is a little later than that of R. multiflora.
Book (2006) Page(s) 114-115. Miyako-Ibara (Capital (Kyoto) Briar) R. paniculigera (Makino ex Koidz.) Momiy. Same text as on website
Article (magazine) (2000) R. luciae and its 4 varieties (R. luciae var. fujisanensis, R. luicae var. onoei, R. luciae var. hakonensis and R. luciae var. paniculigera) formed one clade that is consistent with their similar morphological characters. In this clade, R. luciae and its 2 varieties (R. luciae var. fujisanensis and R. luciae var. onoei) showed a closer relationship, while R. luciae var. hakonensis and R. luciae var. paniculigera are reluctantly separated from them.
Book (1965) Page(s) 540. Rosa luciae ....Var. paniculigera (Makino) Momiyama. R. paniculigera Makino; R. franchetii var. paniculigera (Makino) Koidz. - Miyako-ibara. Stipules nearly entire, glandular on margin, membranous, the free portion broadly lanceolate, acuminate; leaflets 5-9, nearly equal, 1-2.5 cm. long, 7-15 mm. wide, slightly or scarcely lustrous above, glabrous, whitish beneath, the terminal ones elliptic to obovate-elliptic or oblong-ovate, obtuse to abruptly acuminate, the lateral ones obtuse to rounded; inflorescence usually panicled, glabrous or more often glandular-pilose, few- to many-flowered; flowers white, 2-3 cm. across. - May-June. Honshu (centr. distr. and westw.), Shikoku, Kyushu.