'Madame Antoine Mari' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
29 AUG 23 by
Produces lovely large hips.
#1 of 3 posted
29 AUG 23 by
LIke the photos HMF has?
#2 of 3 posted
30 AUG 23 by
My apologies. Perhaps what I should have said is that I find the hips on this rose particularly beautiful. But perhaps I shouldn’t have said that either. Please forgive my temerity.
#3 of 3 posted
30 AUG 23 by
No, that's allright. Personal views are appreciated. I was just curious if the hips on your plant look like the photos we have here.
I had this rose for some 10 years in eastern England, in an exposed position.. it bloomed continuously Spring to Autumn.. even with hard pruning it still attained some 6 feet by as much across, and if left alone I would guess 8 x 10 feet would be possible.. I had no choice but to hard prune it and ultimately it just grew too large for my space. A magnificent rose.
I live in the inland Northwest (east of the Cascades), where summers are scorching and winters are considerably colder than in Seattle, and where extended periods of sub-zero weather are the norm rather than the exception. And yet this lovely plant is thriving here. I grow her against the south wall of our house, and mulch her up like crazy for winter. She was slow to establish (she's three years old now), but being a refined lady, she produced incredible blooms even in her first year. I'd say that the only thing the cold has done to her here is make her a more compact shrub than she is in the South. Growth is typical Tea--twiggy, a lovely grey-green, with thin, feminine new foliage rimmed in red. The darker pink-colored outer petals are more pronounced in the cool Spring and Fall weather than high Summer, but they always reflex back in such a pretty way that I don't care! Some blooms are quilled, some merely reflexed--it's a joy to see what each day will bring.
I fell in love with this rose after seeing a photo in a Graham Thomas book, where it was, oddly enough, growing in the deep shade of a tree. She's in full sun here, but she is not a heavy drinker. Her out-of-the-way position means I've occasionally forgotten to water her weekly--she never seems to mind, only slows her growth a bit. In my opinion, she richly deserves her Earth-Kind status. She has a scent, but it's very light indeed--I'd call it "fresh".
Antoine was my perfect "first-time" Tea--forgiving, rewarding, encouraging. only asking that I respect her heritage, and keep her warm. She taught me that, with careful placement, even I could grow Teas. She makes me thrilled about my garden's future. I never knew what kind of rose that silk roses were trying to imitate, but now I do, and she's right out there in my own back yard!
#1 of 1 posted
27 JAN 23 by
Thank you for your vivid description of this rose! You have convinced me that my life would be much richer for having this beauty in my garden. I saw it in Antique Rose Emporium, so I think an order is in order to them.
This rose Is very symilar to old blush cina. I don't see parent's in description
#1 of 2 posted
14 AUG 21 by
I believe that its parentage is not known.
#2 of 2 posted
14 AUG 21 by
Very similar habit, identical rose hips, similar flower that differs only in color even if similarity can be glimpsed in the closed bud, very faint and same fragrance in both, same powdery mildew problems, same problems in the rain, under the scorching sun and with frosts , same young twigs on the red ... there are many similarities so I think there is certainly a close parental closeness. If the parents are not known, a DNA analysis would be interesting ...