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'Theano' rose References
Article (magazine)  (2011)  Page(s) 118.  
Questionable rose identities
We do not recognize following rose cultivars of Rudolf Geschwind as corresponding to the historical descriptions:....'Theano' - hybrid cinnamomea, 1895;...
Article (magazine)  (2006)  Page(s) 7, 9.  
p. 7: From R. californica, Geschwind bred Theano, a variety that was for years regarded as a synonym for R. californica plena. Comparing both roses in the world-famous collections at Sangerhausen or Roseto di Cavriglia, one can easily verify that they are different roses.

p. 9: Some roses were sold to Peter Lambert (Zigeunerknabe and Parkzierde) and to J. C. Schmidt (Himmelsauge, Schneelicht and Theano) and are still attributed to them.
Book  (2003)  Page(s) 61.  
Geschwind's Hybrids of Hardy European Roses...
'Theano' (Geschwind, 1894). Description.
Book  (1996)  Page(s) 59.  
'Theano' (Geschwind 1894) R. californica x 'Crimson Rambler'. Very similar to R. californica 'Plena'..Warm pink to light carmine, lightly filled, once-blooming, longer blooming. Dense, tall shrub.
Book  (1984)  Page(s) 106.  
Rosa californica 'Plena Rosa californica f. plena Rehd. - Syn. 'Theano'.
Obtenu par Geschwind en 1894. Haut. et diam. 2 m - Feuilles: 5 ou 7 folioles elliptiques larges, long. 1 à 3 cm, bords à dents simples - Fleurs: diam. 4 cm - Infloescences: corymbes paniculés.
Les tiges de l'année précédente, s'arquent sous le poids des fleurs qui se forment sur toute leur longueur, s'épanouissant depuis juin jusqu'en juillet. Ces fleurs doubles, mais peu serrées, varient du rose soutenu au pourpre pâle; elles sentent bon. L'écorce et les aiguillons sont verts dans leur jeunesse: puis ceux-ci deviennent gris, celle-là rouge-brun. La plante a, dans son ensemble, une réelle valeur décorative.
Book  (1981)  Page(s) 277.  
R. californica 'Plena'. Shrub to 2 m./6.6 ft. high; branches arching, flowers loosely double, warm rose to bright crimson, fragrant, June-July. GSR 4. (= R. 'Theano' Geschwind). 1894.
Book  (1976)  Page(s) 117.  
Rosa californica...Following sorts are cultivated:
'Plena' (R. californica plena Rehd., 'Theano' Geschwind)
Büsche: bis 2 m hoch; Blüten halbgefüllt, seltener gefüllt, duftend, rosa oder hell-karminrot; Blütezeit im Juni/Juli. 1894.
Book  (1937)  Page(s) 79.  
Theano (Geschwind 1894) (synonym of californica fl. pleno)
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 700.  
Theano (hybrid cinnamomea) Geschwind 1895; R. californica X Crimson Rambler; bright reddish light pink, small, semi-double, flat, in clusters of 5-40, once very floriferous blooming, many small thorns, small delicate foliage, brown branches, growth 8/10, climbing, 3 m., hardy. Park rose = R. calif. fl. pl. Sangerhausen
Website/Catalog  (1934)  Page(s) 95.  
Once-blooming, hardy Park Roses...'Theano' Californica fl. pl. Fully hardy. A rose which can be utilized with success as solitary on the lawn or or in groves. The blooms are amaranth-red (9 na) on white base, semi-double, and appear in abundance....Low garden plants 1 piece RM [Reichsmark] -.70  10 pieces RM 6.50

[no longer listed in the 1938 catalogue]
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