'Golden Parfum de Provence' rose Reviews & Comments
Hello here's a synonym: GOLDEN PERFUMELLA source : www.meillandrichardier.com/rosier-nicolas-hulot-r-meifazeda.html
#1 of 4 posted
7 days ago by
Synonym added, thank you! Is this because the trademark for the original name 'Nicolas Hulot' has meanwhile expired?
#2 of 4 posted
7 days ago by
Hello, i think MEILLAND wanted to get away from the bad press surrounding the name... (see the media facts of 2018...). Bests regards, Huyustus
I prefer fewer personality names, personally. I don't want to think about societal stuff in my garden. Golden Perfumella is a nicer name imo, but I'm also not French so mileage may vary.
If they changed it to M. Hulot I wouldn't mind!
Hello, just a detail I see that on the card it is noted that this rose dedicated to Nicolas Hulot, his year of birth and 1955 in Lille and not 1995 ...
#1 of 1 posted
4 days ago by
Corrected, thank you!
Meilland site from October 20, 2010 (via Wayback Machine) states:
"Rose tree with great resistance to disease in tribute to a tireless defender of nature. Its yellow flower, with about 40 petals, has a very powerful pink and fruity apricot scent. Abundant floridity. Flower diameter 13 cm. Height 90/100 cm.
Find all our rose gardening tips .
FEATURES Colors: Yellow Uses: Massive, Isolated, Vase, bouquets, Borders Height: 0.50 to 1 m Width: 0.30 to 0.70 m"
I think the word pink in the Google Translate means rose, and tree means plant of some sort. (I can't read French.) In their online catalog, they sell it in their large-flowered rose section. I ran into this trying to locate an official bloom size for 'Marco Polo' and could not find one. I do not believe the Modern Roses 12 reference is correct at 3".
#1 of 3 posted
7 MAY 22 by
The US patent states 11 cm diameter for 'Marco Polo'
Thanks. My eyes must have skipped over.
I did post this one because HMF and MR12/European sites are clearly different traits for this rose. It seems to be popular in Europe so I felt it was worth clarifying.
Syn.'Meifazeda' Rosa cespuglio Floribunda, a portamento vigoroso/eretto, ben ramificato. Fogliame sm/lucido, verde scuro. Fiori md/grandi, singoli o in mazzi, giallo chiaro all'esterno, giallo intenso al centro. Fragranza da moderata a intensa, dolce, fruttata. Rustica e rifiorente. Resistente a malattie. Fiori adatti x esposizione e taglio. H.90cm L.60cm. (ROSACEAE) (Alain Meilland, Meilland International, Francia, 2004)