'MEIfazeda' rose References
Book (2018) Page(s) 82. ...la rose jaune ... ‘Nicolas Hulot’, [sent] le fruit...
Website/Catalog (20 Oct 2010) Nicolas Hulot Rose tree with great resistance to disease in tribute to a tireless defender of nature. Its yellow flower, with about 40 petals, has a very powerful pink and fruity apricot scent. Abundant floridity. Flower diameter 13 cm. Height 90/100 cm.Find all our rose gardening tips . Features: . Colors: Yellow. Uses: Massive, Isolated, Vase, bouquets, Borders. Height: 0.50 to 1 m. Width: 0.30 to 0.70 m"
Book (2007) Page(s) 357. Nicolas Hulot HT. my; flowers primrose yellow, dbl., high-centered; free-flowering, growth to 90-100cm.; int. by Meilland, 2004.
Website/Catalog (2004) Syn.'Meifazeda' Rosa cespuglio Floribunda, a portamento vigoroso/eretto, ben ramificato. Fogliame sm/lucido, verde scuro. Fiori md/grandi, singoli o in mazzi, giallo chiaro all'esterno, giallo intenso al centro. Fragranza da moderata a intensa, dolce, fruttata. Rustica e rifiorente. Resistente a malattie. Fiori adatti x esposizione e taglio. H.90cm L.60cm.
internet translation: Floribunda shrub rose, vigorous / upright, well branched. Foliage sm / glossy, dark green. Medium / large flowers, single or in clusters, light yellow on the outside, intense yellow in the center. Moderate to intense, sweet, fruity fragrance. Rustic and re-flowering. Resistant to diseases. Flowers suitable for display and cutting. H.90cm L.60cm.