'Memphis Magic' rose Reviews & Comments
I have what was supposed to have been the striped rose Memphis Music but was instead reverted back to Memphis Magic. I'm approaching 2 years with this rose, grown in a pot on my front steps. It makes quite a nice patio rose. Good bloom production, compact growth (short stems) and leaf size proportionate to the blooms. The blooms develop slowly but last very long, and even after the color dulls to a dark red-brown wood color, the petals still hang on in roughly exhibition form long enough for the next flower buds to start forming. I rarely see stamens on the blooms. Nice centers. Richest black-cherry color you could want. There was some discussion recently on a rose forum I frequent to the effect that Memphis Magic is and it's striped sport Memphis Music are almost indistinguishable from the petite hibrid teas Black Beauty and its sport Hocus Pocus. It's getting hard to find Hocus Pocus or Memphis Music for purchase, becase vendors find it so difficult to propagate it consistently without losing the striping effect in the process.
That is the difficult part of striped mutations vs. striped hybrids. On rare occasions, striped hybrids will change, but it is infrequent. For example, there are dark red striped white, and orange striped white, mutations of 'Scentimental'.