'Lady Ann Kidwell' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
20 AUG by
By any chance has anyone noticed hips on this plant? I'm on a bit of a hunt for a Cecile Brunner direct escendant that sets hips... I find CB descendants incredibly bemusing lol, it's a small pool.
Initial post
19 JUN 18 by
I love this rose! Small, impossibly long, elegant buds of a true cerise color open quickly to a charming fluffy jumble. It is robust, healthy, with dark blue-green foliage and few thorns. It strikes readily from cuttings. It can bloom from the tiniest branch...and does! Its pedicels are slim, lax, and graceful. I would not be without it.
The closest thing in rosedom to a fuschia (plant not color.). Not too thorny 4-5' bush covered with hanging deep pink, fuschia sized roses. They open up like a ribbon on a gift, while the amazing buds are shaped like a cross between Cecile Brunner (but bigger/longer) and a (little) Eiffel Tower. Lovely medium scent, not mild. Definitely one of the greatest rose buds ever. Too charming for words.
PS Usually polyanthas are totally boring to me, this one is in a class by itself!
When I see the photo's of this rose, I think there is a typo in width: Doesn't it have to be 6' or 185 cm?
Certainly does. Fixed. Thanks Jay Jay.