'Neon Cowboy ™' rose References
Book (2007) Page(s) 355. Neon Cowboy Min, rb, 2001, Carruth, Tom ... description
Magazine (Jan 2005) Page(s) 3. 2004 Roses In Review: Top Ten Miniature & Mini-Flora – Garden Ratings: Number of reports = 81; ratings = 8.0
Book (2003) Page(s) 43. The National Rose Society of Australia. Awards for Roses on trial 2000 to 2002, to be presented in 2004. Bed No. 00-13-61. Weeks. WEKemilcho. Mini. Bronze Medal.
Book (2002) Page(s) 101. Includes photo(s). Finbarr O'Leary. Swane's New Rose Introductions for 2002. 'Neon Cowboy' (WEKemilcho). Miniature Rose. Colour bright red with a screaming yellow eyezone. Height: Medium to low - 65cm to 90cm. Foliage Deep glossy green. Fragrance mild.
p112. Photo. 'Neon Cowboy'. (WEKemilcho). transparency: Swane's.