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'Ko's Yellow' rose References
Booklet  (2008)  
An Information List of all Varieties. p6
1978. Ko's Yellow - Mackosyel. For Ko Schuurman.
Book  (Aug 2002)  Page(s) 53.  
Ko's Yellow
Rated 4.8
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 341.  Includes photo(s).
Ko's Yellow (MACkosyel) Miniature. McGredy (New Zealand) 1978... The flowers of the rose are yellow, edged with red or deep pink fading to cream... It was named for Ko Schuurman, the wife of a close colleague and friend of the hybridizer...
Book  (Sep 1993)  Page(s) 431.  Includes photo(s).
Ko's Yellow Miniature. McGredy 1978. Sam McGredy named 'Ko's Yellow' in honor of Ko Schuurman, the wife of his colleague Frank Schuurman. It was she who first saw the potential of its classically formed buff-yellow blooms and bushy plant...
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 292.  
Ko's Yellow Miniature, yellow blend, 1978, (MACkosyel); ('New Penny' x 'Banbridge') x ('Border Flame' x 'Manx Queen'); McGredy, S., IV. Description.
Book  (1993)  Page(s) 431.  Includes photo(s).
Book  (1988)  Page(s) 48.  Includes photo(s).
Ko’s Yellow McGredy 1978 (‘New Penny’ x ‘Banbridge’) x (‘Border Flame’ x ‘Manx Queen’). Yellow with sometimes a pink flush on the petal edges. Some say a classic hybrid tea shape but my blooms have a recessed centre. Named after a friend, Ko Schuurman who first noticed it among Sam’s new seedlings.

p83 photo. Ko’s Yellow
Book  (1986)  Page(s) 85.  
When I arrived in New Zealand I was greatly helped by Frank Schuurman of Sunbeam Nurseries. He rented me my glasshouse and grew all my test roses in the paddock. Most importantly, he was interested in what I was doing and often walked through the seedlings with me. It was his wife Ko who spotted one of my early yellow minis and it was nicknamed Ko's Yellow on the spot. It has just about a perfect plant habit - very bushy and free with glossy green foliage. Like all minis, a few little sprays in a sherry glass make a neat small table decoration.
Book  (1985)  Page(s) 82.  Includes photo(s).
Ko's Yellow. MACkosyel. McGredy 1978. '['New Penny' x Banbridge'] x ['Border Flame' x 'Manx Queen'] The larger flowers are a classic hybrid tea shape. They are medium yellow, sometimes with a deep pink edge on the petals. The glossy foliage is also larger, but in proportion to the flower size. We find this variety to be very fragrant in warm weather.
Book  (1985)  Page(s) 26.  
Final Analysis 1984-85
Ko's Yellow. McGredy 1978. ('New Penny' x 'Bambridge') x ('Border Flame' x 'Manx Queen'). 39 petals, Yellow. 29 reports. 7.6 rating. General consensus of the reports over the years is that Ko's a good little yellow, generally with good HT, form though often with poor centres. The colour holds well in most districts but some report fading under hot sun. Generally healthy. Auckland report slow repeat, though in other areas the repeat is good. One or two reporters feel it to be a trifle large for a true miniature, both in bloom and foliage. It grows from 30cm to a metre in height.
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