'5944-51-1' rose References
Book (Aug 2002) Page(s) 53. Kordes' Perfecta pink blend Rated 6.8
Website/Catalog (2000) Page(s) 114. H.T., Kordes Perfecta, Kordes R., 1957
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 340. Includes photo(s). Kordes' Perfecta (KORalu, 'Perfecta') Large-flowered/Hybrid Tea. Kordes 1957. Description... blush pink edged pinky red...
Book (Feb 1997) Page(s) 34. [In 1959, the author wrote:] A panel of five thousand rose growers has selected the new Kordes Perfecta hybrid tea as the Rose of the Year... To my eyes, it is hideous -- huge, high-centered, with flashy curled-back petals that are cream-white, dipped at the edges in a harsh crimson....
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 292. Hybrid Tea, pink blend, 1957, (KORalu; 'Perfecta'); 'Golden Sceptor' x 'Karl Herbst'; Kordes; A. Dickson; McGredy, 1957; J&P, 1958. Bud urn-shaped; flowers cream tipped and then flushed crimson, suffused yellow, double (68 petals), high-centered, large (4 1/2 - 5 in.); very fragrant; foliage dark, leathery, glossy; vigorous, upright growth.
Book (Feb 1993) Page(s) 204. Perfecta Large-flowered hybrid tea. Parentage: 'Spek's Yellow' [aka 'Golden Scepter'] x 'Karl Herbst'. (aka 'Kordes Perfecta', KORalu) Germany 1957. Description and cultivation... flowers: deep cream, flushed with pink and edged ith reddish pink with a trace of yellow at the base... cut the flowers when half open for long-lasting results...
Book (May 1992) Page(s) 398. Perfecta ('Kordes' Perfecta', Koralu) Hybrid Tea. Kordes (Germany) 1957... soft cream heavily flushed deep pink and crimson with hints of yellow in the base...
Book (Jun 1986) Page(s) 423. Kordes' Perfecta Description... Cream, with red suffusing from petal edges... Disease ressitant and winter hardy...
Website/Catalog (1982) Page(s) 46. Perfecta A large, exhibition-size rose, free flowering, healthy and vigorous. Very pale pink with deeper shadings on a gold base. Medium. Kordes 1957.
Book (1978) Page(s) 103. `Kordes' Perfecta' Medium Cream & pink Remontant P2 H1 ** From a squat and ugly bud, which the more aesthetic gardeners objected to, this rose produces a massive bloom of stately form. It is so beautiful that one has full sympathy with Herr Kordes when he exclaimed 'My perfect rose!' Under similar stimulus many years ago, another discoverer uttered 'Eureka! 'Perfecta', as it is usually known in Britain, has a creamy flower with pink and red in it, especially at the edges. The cream varies in its degree of yellow, and the pink and red vary in response to the weather. Anyone who wishes to grow a rose of exemplary size and shape should plant 'Perfecta', and although it will respond perfectly well outdoors, it is even more magnificent under glass. One objection to it in the garden is that if a strong wind blows when the flowers are swelling, it can blow them off. The parents were Spek' s Yellow' x 'Karl Herbst', and the rose was introduced in Britain in 1957. It was a useful object lesson for the young Sam McGredy, who brought it home from Germany, and enthused so lustily that the British rose trade immediately grew it in great quantity. Sam McGredy said subsequently that it taught him how to sell a new variety. In 1963, Kordes introduced a deeper coloured sport, `Kordes' Perfecta Superior'.