'Rosa X arnoldiana Sarg.' rose Photos
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Uploaded 21 DEC |
Flower, foliage and bud of the 'Arnold' rose. My plant came from Marion McKinsey of Sebastopol in 1996. Photographed April 29, 2021 at Rose Woods.
Uploaded 7 MAY 21 |
'Arnold', from the October 2017 HRF Newsletter article by Ben Whitacre
Uploaded 6 JUN 21 |
Bud cluster and leaves of 'Arnoldiana'. The buds most resemble the General Jacqueminot parent (see photo posted at General Jacqueminot by member Frederic April 16, 2010) with tomentum and glands on the outer surface of the short sepals. Rugosa buds have narrow elongated sepals but with sparse tomentum and fewer glands. The foliage also looks like a blend of both parents. Photographed April 29, 2021 at Rose Woods.
Uploaded 7 MAY 21 |
Postcard showing 'Arnold', from the October 2017 HRF Newsletter article by Ben Whitacre
Uploaded 6 JUN 21 |
Closeup of bud showing tomentum and glands on the outer surface (the red tipped sepals on the inner surface is not typical). Photographed April 29, 2021 at Rose Woods in the Maycamas Mtns. near the Petrified Forest, California.
Uploaded 7 MAY 21 |
Herbarium specimen of 'Arnold', from the October 2017 HRF Newsletter article by Ben Whitacre
Uploaded 6 JUN 21 |
sorry no foliage 1 single bloom was hiding under it Brooklyn Botanical Gardens 2010
Uploaded 15 MAY 10 |
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