Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 152. Effekt Hybrid Tea, rb, 1935; scarlet-red, reverse flushed golden yellow; large, dbl., cupped, slight fragrance; vigorous, bushy growth; 'I Zingari' x Seedling; Krause.
Book (1947) Page(s) 139. EFFEKT (H.T.) is scarlet-red with the outside of the petals flushed with golden-yellow; the flowers are large, double and of good shape. Growth is vigorous and upright and the foliage large and dark green in colour. The variety flowers freely and with continuity. Krause 1935. Deciduous. Tall growth. Moderately fragrant. ...June-September. Hardy.
Book (1939) p117. Mr. C.W. Heers. Roses in Queensland. Effekt is what its name implies; it grows and blooms well and its unique colouring makes it a most effective garden variety.
p129. Mrs T. R. Willis, NZ. Rangitiki Roses. Effekt is attractive with its scarlet-red and yellow flowers; a tri-colour. The blooms are held up well on good stiff stems.
Book (1938) p106. John Poulsen, NZ. Roses in the South Island Effekt. Strong bushy growth, flowering freely; attractive opening colour, but inclined to fade; petals rather narrow.
p120. Mr C. W. Heers. Roses in Queensland Effekt. This variety brings to us a vigorous, free-flowering and very attractively coloured Rose, delicately shaded from rich carmine rose inside to light yellow on the outside. Quite unique and a very charming garden variety.
p123. Mr S. J. Bisdee. Tasmanian Roses. Effekt. A vigorous grower, branching out very freely. So far the bloom has been disappointing. Petals very short and rather small. Carmine rose, but the yellow reverse not very marked so far. Burns badly in heat.
Website/Catalog (1938) Page(s) 18. Bush Roses Effekt (Hybrid Tea)... Inside scarlet red, outside flushed golden yellow, making a fine contrast. A tremendous grower, making fine compact bushes of even shape; always in flower. A fine garden Rose. Introduced 1935.
Website/Catalog (1938) Page(s) 44. New Roses 1937. Effekt (HT. Max Krause 1935) 3. Inside of petal carmine rose with occasional blooms almost red; outside light yellow. The growth is extra vigorous, while the blooms have the typical short petal of the Pernetiana. E.
Website/Catalog (1938) Page(s) 17. Rosiers Nouveax de 1935 Hybrides de Thé Effekt (W. Kordes Sôhne). Fleur d'un coloris superbe. En bouton, jaune d'or orangé bordé de rouge, passant au jaune d'or pur au complet épanouissement. Excessivement florifère.
Book (1937) p19. Harry H. Hazlewood. The New Roses of 1937. Effekt, HT. (Max Krause, 1935) Unusually strong growth with a bloom, which really justifies the term "novelty." It is classed as a H.T., but has come from Pernetiana parents somewhere in the background. A very fine sort which is sure of a welcome.
p115. Allan A. Brundrett. A Victorian Review of the Season's Novelties. Effekt, H.T. (Krause). The colour of the inside of the petals is scarlet red, somewhat like the colour of Chas. P. Kilham, the outside being golden yellow, making a wonderful contrast. An exceptionally fine grower, being free flowering and reliable.
p119. Mr. S. R. Bird, N.Z. Some Auckland Rose Notes. Effekt is brilliant in the garden, and reminds one of Condesa de Sastago and the older Barbara.
Website/Catalog (1937) Page(s) 36. New Roses 1937. Effekt (HT. Max Krause 1935) Inside of flowers scarlet red, outside flushed golden yellow, making a fine contrast. Tremendous grower, making fine compact bushes of even shape and always in flower. Quite a new type of H.T. on account of its extraordinary growth and habit. 5/- each. Very vigorous growth and promising particularly well. Carmine rose inside with light yellow on outside of petals.
Magazine (1936) Page(s) Spring issue, p. 121. The very newest roses ... Effect (Max Krause, 1935), Hybrid Tea. An immensely floriferous colour rose of striking beauty. The bud is golden-orange outside, edged reddish, after expanding golden-yellow outside, inside carmine-salmon-red. The plant forms dense, stocky bushes, which are always in bloom .... 1 piece RM [Reichsmark] 4.-