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"Jean Ducher - in commerce" rose References
Magazine  (2020)  Page(s) 29. Vol 42, No. 4.  
Billy West.  Some Favourite Fragrant Roses. 
Tea roses have perfumes that are tricky - complex and multi-layered, very variable, often elusive, but you can catch the scent of bananas that have been sprinkled with lemon juice when smelling G. Nabonnand (Nabonnand, 1888).
Magazine  (2020)  Page(s) 8.  
Members of Heritage Roses New Zealand (Inc.) voted 'Jean Ducher' back as their most favourite heritage rose. 
Magazine  (Dec 2019)  Page(s) 58. Vol 41, No. 4.  
Billy West, G. Nabonnand.
When the Nabonnand family nursery named their exquisite Tea rose G. Nabonnand, it was in honour of Gilbert Nabonnand, father of Paul and Clément. It was always simply G. Nabonnand in the Nabonnand catalogues and in their writings and a beautiful portrait from Clément Nabonnand’s 1913-14 catalogue can be seen here:  Over the years since its 1888 introduction, some apparently felt the need to expand on the initial, as we occasionally see references to this rose under the names George, Georges or Gilbert Nabonnand.......
Magazine  (Mar 2019)  Page(s) 49. Vol 41, No. 1.  Includes photo(s).
Margaret Furness.  Tea, Noisette and China Mislabels in Australia.
Early references describe Jean Ducher as very full. Our rose, being a Tea, can double its petal count (at the same time as Peace 1902), but most of the time it’s only semi-double. It matches the thornless G. Nabonnand, which has a continuous history here and elsewhere in the world.
Book  (2018)  Page(s) 89.  Includes photo(s).
Di Durston, Western Australia.  My Favourite Heritage Roses. 
G. Nabonnand 
Magazine  (2018)  Page(s) 36. Vol 40, No. 3.  
Andrew Ross: To be or not to be - Jean Ducher is the question.
I have recently read about a rose we grow and sell as Jean Ducher, with research which now finds it to really be G. Nabonnand .....
I have checked Deane’s photographs and his notes with what he saw in New Zealand and feel confident to say what we have, and New Zealand has seemed to be the same variety. This concurs with the finding published about the name error which confirms the variety currently sold here as Jean Ducher is the same as that in New Zealand......
Website/Catalog  (2017)  Page(s) 61.  Includes photo(s).
Jean Ducher  Tea. Continuous display of semi double flesh-pink blooms on large but tidy bush. Fragrant
Article (newspaper)  (Jul 2009)  Page(s) 3.  Includes photo(s).
Patricia Routley: Once I used to patrol the back streets of nearby towns, driving slowly and searching gardens looking for bushes of thick-trunked and obviously old roses. G. Nabonnand was found like that, down a side street in Nannup at a house that had a derelict car body in the front garden, as well as this massive, creamy pink tea rose. There was nobody home that day but I took cuttings and eventually planted out two bushes in 2000. In that same year Rose Marsh at Kojonup sent me over cuttings of what she had bought years ago as ‘George Nabonnand’. I found it again in 2001 in Joan Lefroy’s garden in Manjimup where it was so old that the main trunk, thick as a mans thigh, was lying on the ground from its own weight. In her youth Joan had taken a cutting from a house in Guildford and as her plant had aged, she had tried to propagate it but was unsuccessful, I had more luck and it gave me great pleasure to be able to return two healthy young plants to Joan later that year. This tea rose does well on its own roots. ‘G. Nabonnand’, was bred in France in 1888 by the Nabonnand family. The G. was often guessed at and quoted as George, or Georges, but it was the initial for Gilbert Nabonnand, the breeder. The rose was still being included in the West Australian Dawson & Harrison 1932, and Bommeli, Baywater 1938 nursery catalogues, but after that, there was no public sign of it. In 1938 Alister Clark pleaded for it in the Australian Rose Annual as he saw it disappearing with changing fashions: “G. Nabonnand holds pride of place in late autumn and winter; nine feet high, its glorious foliage and clean flowers are a delight. Probably it would be difficult to replace it.” Forty years later the rose re-entered the nurseries in 1981, just two years after the birth of Heritage Roses in Australia and the growing awareness that members must seek out and conserve old roses. The fine new book Tea Roses. Old Roses for Warm Gardens gives the full story of how ‘G. Nabonnand’ then assumed the wrong name of ‘Jean Ducher’, under which it masqueraded for the next three decades. Excellent pictures of ‘Jean Ducher’ have now come to light and it was a prickly yellow tea rose, not really anything like the delicate tintings of the peachy pink and almost thornless ‘G. Nabonnand’. A 2009 worldwide plebiscite of tea roses places ‘G. Nabonnand’ as the 4th favourite tea rose in the world, and in the Western Australian charts, this rose tops the list. It is one of the few tea roses that grow well in our cooler climates and as our seasons get warmer, it can only get better still. The more it is picked, the more it will bloom, and that is the only pruning an old tea rose ever needs. ‘G. Nabonnand’ has the delicacy of colour, a large flower of good form and utter charm, a graceful half-nodding stance, exquisite perfume and few thorns. And the flowers are never affected by rain. What more could we ask?
Book  (2008)  Page(s) 109.  Includes photo(s).
The bush is tall, strong, spreading and virtually thornless.....
‘G. Nabonnand’, on the other hand, was said to have long, pointed buds and large upstanding petals of pale rose, flushed yellow.  The blooms were not very full and were held upright on a tall  vigorous bush with fine foliage.  Flowering was profuse and the rose was especially good in winter.  All of which perfectly describes our rose, whose thornlessness was noted by Walter Easlea when writing about decorative Teas in 1919.  Tracing the history of ‘Jean Ducher’ and ‘G. Nabonnand’ in Australia has been fascinating.  In the mid 1990s, Heritage Roses in Australia members Rose Marsh and John Viska alerted us that roses purchased many years ago as ‘G. Nabonnand’ were still flourishing in Western Australia and were the same as the rose being sold as ‘Jean Ducher’. 

....So how could the name 'Jean Ducher' have come to be attached to the rose 'G. Nabonnand'?  The story goes back to 1961..... Later comparison of the Hargreaves’ [W.A.] find and the New Zealand ‘Jean Ducher’ indicated that the two were identical.
Book  (1987)  Page(s) 379.  
G. Nabonnand (T.).-Pale flesh ; vigorous ; one of the best garden Roses of its colour. (Autumn-flowering)
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