'Huguenot 300' rose References
Website/Catalog (6 Jun 2015) Name: 'Delteb' Synonyms: 'Deltab', 'Delteb' ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Huguenot 300 F, ob, Delbard; flowers salmon-orange, dbl., high-centered, borne in large clusters, need support in spring to hold them up, no fragrance; good repeat; foliage lustrous, new foliage red; vigorous, tall (4-5 ft.) growth. Introductions: 1985
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 173. Includes photo(s). First Edition. Cluster-flowered. Georges Delbard 1976. Description... coral-rose. Parentage: unnamed seedling x unnamed seedling
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 180. First Edition Floribunda, coral, shaded orange, 1976, (DELtep; 'Arnaud Delbard®'); ('Zambra' x ('Orléans Rose' x 'Goldilocks')) x ('Orange Triumph' seedling x 'Floradora'); Delbard-Chabert. Description.
Magazine (Feb 1977) Page(s) 1. trimester, p. 35. U.S.A. AARS, First Edition, FL, Delbard-Chabert F
Magazine (1975) Page(s) 63. Winning roses in the international rose competition in the city of Orléans, ending last September, were recently announced, as follows: 1. Floribunda The Gold Rose of Orléans: Arnaud Delbard (Delbard, France)