Article (website) (2014) 544 ornamental flower (rose), Rosa sp., Angara, India 1975, (Montezuma), very vigorous compact and profuse blooming darker reddish orange in color slightly more fragrant than the parent (mutagen (???) not indicated) MBNL 14-19
Book (2009) Page(s) 634. Appendix III Varieties of Ornamental Plants Released for Growing - Rose NBRI (Floribundas) 11. Angara
Book (19 Apr 2000) Page(s) 14. 'Angara', HT, rb, 1983; Description; (Montezuma sport); Gupta, Dr. M.N. & Shukla, R.; National Botanical Research Institute
Book (1988) Page(s) 200. Table 26: Commercial mutants of roses Angara, India, 1973-75, National Botanic Gardens, Lucknow; ? [conditions of mutagenic treatment] (Montezuma); Very vigorous, compact and profuse blooming; darker reddish orange in colour; slightly more fragrant than the parent
Book (1979) Page(s) 85. ......tighter and compact flowered mutants of 'Montezuma' were lost during the floods of 1971. The reddish orange mutant of 'Montezuma' which survived was multiplied and has been released as a new cultivar under the name 'Angara' as described below: 'Angara': Gamma ray induced mutant of 'Montezuma', very vigorous, compact and profuse blooming. Darker reddish orange in colour. Flowers large (8-10 cm), semi-double (15-20 petals), open and slightly more fragrant than the parent; foliage...
Book (1968) Page(s) 103-105. ...pattern formed by the spots for pigments in petals of Montezuma and its mutant Angara and Pink Parfait and its two mutants were studied. No attemot was made to identify the compounds...